Sabe aquele olhar de criança quando vê um boneco do seu personagem de desenho animado favorito pela primeira vez? Naquela tarde era só isso que se via nos olhos de centenas de pessoas na exposição do robô gigante Gundam, em Odaiba, ilha artificial de Tóquio.
Contemplem o que uma empresa japonesa de brinquedos pode construir
Não importa se você conhece ou não o famoso robô-soldado que nasceu no fim de 70, não há quem não admire a imponência de um boneco de 25 metros de altura. E eu estando no Japão, não tive como deixar de ir conferir essa maravilha do mundo otaku (nerd). Afinal, que outro lugar do mundo isso poderia acontecer?
O famoso personagem da linha de brinquedos Gundam, da Bandai, completou 30 anos. Em comemoração várias empresas, juntamente com a prefeitura de Tóquio, organizaram um mega evento para celebrar e promover o mais que famoso robô (dê uma volta por Akihabara que você entenderá). A festa também serviu para conscientizar as crianças (mesmo das de mais de 40 anos) de que é importante ter paz e proteger a natureza. Isso vindo de um robô militar do tamanho de um prédio me soa como um bom conselho a se seguir.
Esse vídeo mostra bem como era o clima do evento
O melhor é que o evento foi de graça. Sim, nem um mísero iene foi cobrado para poder olhar de boca aberta o herói da infância de milhões. E havia shows ao vivo, exposição de fotos, brinquedos e comida! Claro que isso você tinha que pagar, mas não era um preço abusivo.
ShigueS leu Gundam há mais de 10 anos atrás(!)
Definitivamente um dos melhores eventos que fui esse ano. Pena que ontem foi o último dia para ver o Gundam. Quem perdeu, perdeu. Agora só no próximo aniversário. Se no de 30 já fizeram um robô pra lá de convincente, no de 40 eles vão fazer o robô andar e soltar raios laser dos olhos!!!
A noite é que começa o show!
Todas as imagens, incluindo o vídeo, foram produzidas por Shigues. ; )
Se quiser ver fotos tiradas com uma câmera de verdade por um fotógrafo de verdade, acesse esse link.
Has Hayao Miyazaki ever made a bad movie? Absolutely not. He’s like the Pixar of the east, the Pedro Almodovar of Japan, and his newest creation, the delightful Ponyo On The Cliff By The Sea or simply Ponyo, as it’s being marketed here in the States, is another little gem to add to his collection.
The story is sort of a take on “The Little Mermaid” though still pretty original on it’s own way, and after watching tons of computer animated movies (no offense to pixar) in the last few years it is quite refreshing to see good ol’ hand drawing animation again on the big screen, and Ponyo is truly a beautifully rendered animation film, where colors just jump at you and several shots just look like the brightest and vibrant of paintings.
The story tells the tale of this little fish who’s one of many daughters of this *man* who used to be a regular man until he gave up life on earth to live undersea and become sort of guardian of the oceans, while the mother is the ocean’s spirit. Ponyo being the older and most adventurous of the daughters decides to go on a little adventure that takes her to the surface and into the hands of 5yr old Sosuke who takes her in as his goldfish. This sets in motion a huge search for her by her father and mother that threatens to throw off the balance of nature and destroy the world by having Ponyo living outside the ocean where she belongs, while Ponyo grows so attached to Sosuke that she longs to become human.
It is a sprinty, colorful, action-y, lovely movie that kids and grown ups would love as well as great message movie about our pollution of the oceans. Grade: B+
Ever heard of Comic Con? If you’re reading this you should have, and these days everyone’s trying to get a little bit of the comic convention pie, meaning that as being one of the cultural centres of Canada, Toronto played host to one of the biggest conventions of its kind – in Canada. Which means that this weekend, thedreary painful weekend that occurs soon before school starts, is(was) Fan Expo. Now, as a little warning or point of reference, I attended for an hour or so on the Friday and for most of the Saturday, and to be honest that was all I needed. Also, I punched Joe Quesada. Mentally.You’ll see that in my other post: How I beat Joe Quesada in a Cage Match and Made Him Cry.
For some more context, I’m an anime guy more than I am a Sci-Fi guy or a Comic guy. This means, more often than not, I’ll be at Anime North yearly. Anime North would have to be the closest thing to a comic convention I had been before this Fan Expo business; however I learned that there are a couple main differences between the two cultures, Anime and Comics. First – The running of thenerds. While at Japan and E3, these are actual events, when I say (type) running of the nerds, I’m referring to the whole aspect of being absolutely crazy for the branch of fandom you’re in. For instance, there is a well dignified reason that Naruto fans are called Narutards . This is in comparison to the fact that I’ve never seen anyone go crazy over Spider-Man or any other western comic, no matter how much more popular they overNaruto. And, while I can’t account for all Expos or Cons, this was a very subdued location compared to the rabid violent attacks I was used to experiencing. Usually I would be snapping pictures like a madman and trailing through the events like they were estranged parts of my college fund. Here, the results were different. Although, it could be because this time, I was here on a mission. A mission to get a comic collaboration I’ve been working on critiqued. And to punch JoeQuesada in the face.
In any case, Fan Expo is huge, with an expected attendance of over 40, 000 people. I know that’s not much by US standards, but you have to consider this is a guy coming from AN. Last time I went there, there were only 14,000 people.
You ever seen a hockey game before? Well imagine three of those stadiums placed side by side and you would have the size of the show floor, which hosted five different conventions: Comic,Sci-Fi, Anime, and Horror. Comics were obviously the largest parts of the expo followed by Anime shockingly enough. Horror and Sci-fi were stuffed into two corners where all the real nerds hung out, discussing Doctor Who, Star Trek and Horror-things which I had no idea existed. I’m pretty sure I insulted a couple people by asking who some famous special-effects artist was.
Speaking of which the guests there were remarkbly stellar. They had Bruce Campell and Leslie Neilson for crying out loud. WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT?
Everything with that con seemed to scale with it, the artist alley was huge and the amount of games to play and things to buy grew with it. I personally got a copy of Umbrella Academy, which I must recommend to anyone, regardless of Gerard Way’s origins,Newuniversal, since it was written by Warren Ellis and Spider-Man #600.
Back to the comic thing. Along with my artfully endowed partner, Vivi, (to whom really most of the effort lays on her shoulders) we gave our Work-In-Progress for a webcomic into several professional artists who commented on its appearance and briefly on its story. Considering I’m the writer, I took notes. The people there were surprisingly good with us, who were thrusting something into their hands and staring with glimmering hope-filled eyes that accompany both the young and the naive.
In my own anticipation, I was fully expecting someone to slap me.
When they didn’t, I went to shake their hand, awkwardly decided not to and then passed on to another professional. That was better than I thought it would be. If there’s anything I could say about Fan Expo, is that the professionals who showed up are helpful people. Special thanks go out to NickPostic, who returned some great commentary.
So, soon enough once we get the hitches worked out, everyone should look out for the semi-weekly webcomic, Claim My Earth. A comic about dreams and subways that go on forever. Until they reach the end of the line that is.
On thing I’d like to point out was that most of Saturday’s events (in terms of comics) revolved around Marvel. And while this isn’t a problem, seeing as the only DC character I like is Batman, I was wondering why the DC events was more focused on Friday and Sunday while Marvel was the main focus most days, especially on Saturday. Hell, you could have called Saturday, Marvel Day in terms of the overwhelming presence they had.
All in all Fan Expo was fun, but I found the lack of variety in the events jaunting. At AN, they’d have a ton of things to do centred around all aspects of anime culture. And maybe that’s the problem here. Fan Expo might be spreading itself a little thin with all the different sections that it doesn’t focus on a single topic 100%. Or maybe I’m a fish out of water here, and this is just how Comic Conventions really are. Buy lots of stuff, talk to the editors and writers, and obsess over that. At the very least I can say Fan Expo was a different experience from what I’m used to, but I recommend it to anyone with more than a passing fancy to comics and cons.
Here are the main storylines for Cross Game Ep. 21:
- Rumors are spread within Seishu High that Mizuki and Aoba are dating each other, or at least going out with each other.
- Aoba (and Kou) won their practice baseball match. Because of that, Mizuki is treating Aoba out for a movie.
- At the movie, Aoba choices to watch a movie that Wakaba used to like to watch (with Kou together). Afterward, Aoba remembers the same scene in the movie as Kou does.
14. Gundam 30th Aniversary Collection Gundam CCA (24/07)
15. Gundam 30th Aniversary Collection Gundam III (24/07)
16. Nintama 16 – vol.5 (21/08)
17. Gundam 30th Aniversary Collection Gundam I (24/07)
18. Nintama 16 – vol.6 (21/08)
19. Gundam 30th Aniversary Collection Gundam II (24/07)
20. Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari 4 (21/08)
* 2do Oricon , La pelicula de Tonari no Totoro, alcanzó 940 mil copias vendidas en Japón desde el lanzamiento en DVD en el 2001 , en su epoca la version VHS lanzada en 1997 logro conseguir vender 480 mil copias
Video Research:Audiencia de TV abierta en Anime (17/08 – 23/08)
13.6% Sazae-san (23/08 18:30 Fuji TV)
11.0% Doraemon (21/08 19:00 Asahi)
11.0% Crayon Shin-chan (21/08 19:30 Asahi)
11.0% one Piece (23/08 9:30 Fuji)
9.8% Chibi Maruko-chan (23/08 18:00 Fuji)
9.2% Dragon Ball Kai (23/08 9:00 TV Tokyo)
6.1% Pokemon DP (20/08 19:0 TV Tokyo)
6.0% Meitantei Conan (22/08 18:00 NTV)
5.2% Fresh Pretty Cure (23/08 8:30 Asahi)
5.0% Osaru no George (22/08 8:00 NHK)
4.6% Golgo 13 Best Selection (23/08 22:54 TV Tokyo)
4.2% Atashinchi (22/08 11:20 Asahi)
4.2% Naruto Shipuuden (20/08 19:30 TV Tokyo)
4.2% Anpanman (21/08 16:30 NTV)
4.1% Inazuma Eleven (19/08 19:26 TV Tokyo)
4.0% Yatterman (23/08 7:00 NTV)
3.8% Mainichi Kassan (19/08 19:00 TV Tokyo)
3.7% Gintama (20/08 18:00 TV Tokyo)
3.5% Lilo & Stitch (17/08 19:00 TV Tokyo)
3.2% Keroro Gunsou (22/08 10:00 TV Tokyo)
2.9% Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 (20/08 24:55 Fuji)
2.8% Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s (19/08 18:00 TV Tokyo)
2.8% Shugo Chara! Dokki (22/08 9:30 TV Tokyo)
2.7% Shin Mazinger (22/08 23:20 TV Tokyo)
2.6% Bleach (18/08 18:00 TV Tokyo)
2.6% Katekyo Hitman Reborn! (22/08 10:30 TV Tokyo)
2.5% Hikaru no Go Selection – Reprise (17/08 19:28 TV Tokyo)
2.5% Metal Fight Bayblade (23/08 8:30 TV Tokyo)
2.2% Gokujo! Meccha Mote Iinchou (22/08 9:00 TV Tokyo)
2.2% Naruto – reprise (19/08 17:30 TV Tokyo)
2.0% Battle Spirits (23/08 7:00 Asahi)
1.9% Naruto – reprise (20/08 17:30 TV Tokyo)
1.9% Cross Game (23/08 10:00 TV Tokyo)
1.7% Uchi no 3 Shimai (18/08 17:30 TV Tokyo)
1.7% Saki (23/08 26:00 TV Tokyo)
1.5% Hayate no Gotoku!! (21/08 25:23 TV Tokyo)
1.5% Kanamemo (23/08 25:30 TV Tokyo)
1.4% Kaiji – reprise (18/08 25:29 NTV)
1.2% Souten Kouro (18/08 24:59 NTV)
1.2% Phantom (20/08 26:15 TV Tokyo)
0.9% Jewel Pet (23/08 9:30 TV Tokyo)
0.8% Liveon Cardliver Kakeru (23/08 10:30 TV Tokyo)
En este episodio veremos como Oz y los demás se dirigen a la casona de Opera en donde se encuentra el excéntrico Duque Rufus Barma el cual se supone posee gran cantidad de información por ser además el Duque con mayor antiguedad. Pero en el medio, él se interesa por la información que desconoce y que posee Break, su viaje con la Voluntad de Abyss cuando era Kevin Ragnard
On est tous un peu dégouté de pas aller au Japon voir le Gundam taille réelle installé dans un parc de Tokyo alors pour se consoler, rien ne vaut un bon achat impulsif et irréfléchi. Prévues pour mars 2010, les G-Shock x Gundam seront disponibles en rouge (Zaku II) et blanc (Gundam), et seront agrémentées de plein de petits détails qui vont faire hurler les fans, dont le visage des robots gravé à l’arrière de la montre et les silhouettes dans le cadran illuminé. Le tout pour environ 130 euros, ce qui est quand moins cher qu’un voyage au Japon.
Plus de visuels des G-Shock x Gundam si vous cliquez pour
Michiru Kita es una chica que posee ojos de Shinigami, por lo que puede ver “collares negros” alrededor de los cuellos de las personas. Este anillo simboliza la muerte inminente de la persona; una vez que estén destinados a morir, un anillo gris, que es invisible a la gente normal, aparece alrededor de su cuello. Pasado el tiempo, el anillo se torna más oscuro, y una vez que el anillo esté totalmente a negro, la persona muere. Chika Akatsuki y Shito Tachibana, dos muchachos de su clase, tienen anillos negros alrededor de sus cuellos, pero para su sorpresa, no están muertos. Esto se debe a que los dos muchachos hicieron un contrato con una oficina secreta de préstamo llamada Zombie-Loan. Para mantenerse con vida, los dos tienen que buscar a zombies para la oficina. Cuando Michiru se junta con ellos, se dará cuenta que su vida será más complicada.
Producida por XEBEC M2 fue estrenada por TV Asahi el 3 de julio de 2007, los martes en Japón. Fue transmitida hasta 11 episodios, el ultimo siendo emitido el 11 de septiembre del mismo año. Salio en un DVD el decimosegundo y decimotercer episodio en abril del 2008. Se habla de una segunda temporada ya que el final dejo muchas desenlaces sin concluir. El anime es practicamente fiel al manga con la exepcion de detalles pequeños y la reduccion de sangre, ya que aunque la serie no lo es, el manga posee algunas escenas que son consideradas gore.
«Shinigami no Me» (死神の目)
3 de julio de 2007
«¿Vas a morir?»
«Ittoku?» (逝っとく?)
10 de julio de 2007
«Lengua de un hombre muerto»
«Shisha no Shita» (死者の舌)
17 de julio de 2007
«Sonido de una mariposa»
«Chō no Haoto» (蝶の羽音)
24 de julio de 2007
«Nie» (贄)
31 de julio de 2007
«Deseo de libertad»
«Jiyū e no Katsubō» (自由への渇望)
7 de agosto de 2007
«Un corazón vagabundo»
«Samayō Kokoro» (彷徨う心)
14 de agosto de 2007
«Danretsu» (断裂)
21 de agosto de 2007
«Cadáver viviente»
«Ikita Shikabane» (生きた屍)
28 de agosto de 2007
«El cadáver libera magia»
«Shikai no Hō» (尸解の法)
4 de septiembre de 2007
«Vida y muerte»
«Inochi to, Shi to» (命と、死と)
11 de septiembre de 2007
«El destino del anillo» «Unmei no Wa» (運命の輪)
Abril de 2008 (Solo en DVD)
«Lo que quiero proteger»
Ya os contamos hará varias semanas del nuevo proyecto del director Mamoru Oshii (Ghost in the Shell), que se titulara Assault Girl. Pues hoy ya podemos ver un poco más sobre este nuevo trabajo, gracias a un tráiler colgado en Internet.
En el papel de las tres cazadoras protagonistas están Meisa Kuroki como Gray, Rinko Kikuchi como Lucifer, y Hinako Saeki como Colonel.
La historia de ciencia ficción de Assult Girls esta ambientada en el desierto de un mundo post-apocalíptico, donde moran unos gusanos gigantes denominados Suna Kujira, que recuerdan mucho a los de Dune. Tres bellas guerreras armadas con rifles gigantes de asalto y otros tipos de armas poderosas se enfrentan a estos gusanos gigantes, incluido al más grande de ellos, llamado Madara Suna Kujira.
At the start of the episode, Koyomi couldn’t use the magic of a code to help find a lost cat, but her friend Kaho can. Because of this, Koyomi wonders how she could get better. Then, she figures that she need an item like the pendent that Misa has or the magic crane that Yumiko has in order to get better. So, Koyomi decides to go and shop for that item along with her friend Kaho. Along the way, they meet up with Yumiko and all three of them go together.
After walking around the department store, Koyomi decides to get the bag-pack with a shape of a turtle. Shortly after that, they go to eat in a fast food restaurant where Yumiko hears the reasons behind the shopping. Yumiko harshly tells Koyomi that the item won’t help her get better.
Anyways, another finding-a-lost-cat job for Koyomi. At first, Koyomi tries many times using the code that Misa gave her, but she couldn’t do it. (All she does is creating lathes.) Yumiko happens to walk by and decides to help her after she heard the reasons that Koyomi wants to learn “magic”. At the end, with the help of Kaho and Yumiko, Koyomi is able to complete the task.
At the end, the bag-pack is being torn apart by the black cat in Misa’s house. Poor Koyomi.