Friday, February 5, 2010

Saiyuki's journey

I’ve been laying off reading “traditional” manga for a while now, emersing myself within the sometimes creepy and badly proportioned worlds of Yaoi, but I thought that I just had to write about Saiyuki by Kazuya Minekura.

It’s compared to Dragon Ball Z alot, sorta cos its based on the same Monkey King, travel to the west tale. I’d like to point out, Dragonball and Saiyuki deviate from this tale quiet a bit, both in story and characters. However, Saiyuki is now on Reload, a second series of books after the original and the antics continue as Sanzo (thats the main guy, and go agaisnt the teachings Bhuddist priest), Goku (yes, the childlike monkey with the frekish strength), Hakkai (in this case the “smart” one, wears a monacle sometimes and acts as the moral center when he isnt doing something very bad :P ) and Gojyo (of course the playabout womanizer of the group) make a journey across the plains, forests and deserts in order to find out the cause of a minus wave thats turning all the once peaceful Youkai into demonic killing machines. This happens to be a group of youkai plotting the revival of a demon named Gyumaoh, so of course the now named Sanzo party are dead set on stopping it.

However, through the fact that Sanzo is human, and the other three wear power limiters (Goku’s being the most obvious as its a huge golden diadem on his head) manage to avoid this minus wave and keep their questionalble sanity lol. This is a really good read, all the way through the first Saiyuki books and as far as I am into the Reloaded. Which is volume 8 I believe. The twists sometimes actually take you by surprise, other times are a little predictable and as with the tradmark manga, the fight scenes can be over before you know it or drag a little. There is enough information given to keep the reader interested and enough visually stunning art to keep the skimmers going at a good pace.

Overall this gets a slightly biased 10/10 because I love it and hope you would too.

Just as a footnote, Kazuya Minekura has an awesome style and well paced general story. Most of the books are good reads and I would reccomend them. ^_^


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