Hello there )
I’ve finally established my own WordPress account! Wahoo!
Hm, I never thought that I’d find the time all ’cause of my busy sched, but hey, lookey here now, my first entry.
I actually made this account for promoting our soon to be Cosplay Group, Cosplay Cirque. It has always been my vision to bring together a company of friends with relatively the same interests and make it a pointfor self-expression to be emphasized through Cosplay.
I’ve chosen the Circus theme mainly because we’re a bunch of weirdos! XD Well, at least I am. LOL. Kidding aside, our group isn’t exactly that mainstream anime/manga/gaming otakus. We have a variety of otakus from all types of genre and fiction. From all those mentioned to TV shows, movies, books etc… We’re basically a group who loves to COSPLAY whoever and whatever We’re a bunch of freaks who just want to have fun XD But hey, since we’re just starting, we’ve agreed upon the Anime and Gaming rule first.
We ALMOST ALWAYS have to incorporate a Circus theme into our cosplays, but that doesn’t me that we HAVE to all the time. We’re very much into exploring whole new ideas.
How did it begin?
After being combining all our stresses (friends, sister and mine), I’ve decided to host our very first CosPlay Themed Christmas Party! Wahoooo! I’m pretty psyched about it and I’m praying that it really follows through considering our busy holiday scheds and different start of Xmas vacations XD Also, not all of us are studying in the same University, it’s just a good thing though that I’ll be holding the party at my house in our Province ) And after all the planning, we’ve decided to have our group launching as well.
This will be a private event or invite only party/photoshoot for now. It’s mainly because it’s nothing fancy. Just a get together of some friends and other otakus. And also because, my hometown is a 5 hour drive from Manila… XD
The details can be seen in this ticket design/invitation of mine: (c) loligoth13
There’s about 14 more days ’til Christmas and 17 more days ’til COSMAS! )
Here are our planned Cosplays:
COSPLAY: Death from the Sandman/Ciel Phantomhive/Girl Sebastian Michaelis (Kuroshitsuji) —->undecided ako XD basta secret na XD
CIRCUS ACT: Ring Mistress
COSPLAY: Enma Ai/Hell Girl (Jigoku Shoujo)
CIRCUS ACT: illusionist
COSPLAY: Ayame from Tenchu
CIRCUS ACT: Dagger Thrower
COSPLAY: Mio (K-ON!)->gothic Lolita garb
CIRCUS ACT: Beast Tamer
COSPLAY: Rinoa Heartily (FFVIII) or Mello (Death Note)
CIRCUS ACT: Ventriloquist
COSPLAY: Miku Hinasaki (Fatal Frame 3) or Matt (Death Note)
CIRCUS ACT: Juggler and Circus documenter
COSPLAY: Coach Anzai (Slam dunk! JOKE!), Cirque Santa Clause (PLEASE!!!)
CIRCUS ACT: Magician
COSPLAY: Shinobi (ata), Vampire from twilight or a Zombie from PvZ XD, Volturi member maybe?
CIRCUS ACT: Arsenal Juggler
COSPLAY: Ryuk (Death Note)
CIRCUS ACT: Ventriloquist Doll or whatever
COSPLAY: Misa Amane (Death Note)/ Girl Ryoma (PoT)
CIRCUS ACT: Trapese Artist
COSPLAY: Dokitassen Café Maid (Japanese Culture) or Jap School Girl
CIRCUS ACT: Magician’s Assistant
COSPLAY: Fairy from Earl and Fairy/ Elven Fairy
CIRCUS ACT: Tight Rope Artist
COSPLAY: Sakura Kinomoto (Card Captor Sakura)
CIRCUS ACT: Fortune Teller
COSPLAY: Zell (FFVIII), L (Death Note) (Kaw na bahala daves)
CIRCUS ACT: Fire Eater and flame thrower
COSPLAY: Momoshiro Takeshi (PoT)
CIRCUS ACT: Trapeze Artist
I owe my thanks and inspiration to ~azhrien and ~Jesuke and her friends. I’ll give them a proper feature on the next post )
Yeah, I’ll stop here for now. It’s getting pretty late and I have to wake up early for our fieldtrip to Corregidor
I’ll update soon!
Much love from the Ring Mistress! :3
[Via http://theringmistresslg13.wordpress.com]
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