Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Slow anime news week

Since it is, as the title suggests, there isn’t any anime news I particularly liked and since I failed to do a proper mini rant last night, I’ll be ranting at you in text format today!

Ahem…here we go.

When I was a little kid, everything I watched was brand new. Never been done. But it seems like lately things have been pretty much the same.  Even in the world of anime, which is still gaining its legs here in American mainstream culture, we see remakes almost as frequently as something truly NEW comes along, and even the new things are just recycled ideas. I listened to a piece of short fiction the other day that illustrates what I’m talking about…sort of a creativity singularity. Click here to listen to Melancholy Elephants (36 minute mark).

I still get excited about anime and certain titles, but even the stuff I’m excited about seems to often be disappointing when I actually see it. Maybe it’s that I tend to take the story as a more important part of anime than the art. But look at shows like Cowboy Bebop or Baccano. There are some very compelling stories in those shows as WELL as excellent art and music. Shows like that prove I’m not completely crazy for being picky, since they bring everything together so well.

I’d rather not have to sit through another Fullmetal Alchemist remake. Give me more Lupin movies any day, but I’m done seeing the exact same story told in a very slightly different order. If you did it wrong the first time, learn from it and make something new and better. Jeez.

I had a little more to say, but I’d rather invite discussion: Do you think I’m being ridiculous by saying most of the modern shows are warmed over crap that have all been done before, or am I fully justified? This applies to all current forms of pop media, not just anime. Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


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Parallel, Parallel, 02+26 Dual Release ni naare!

Blasting strong right out of the gate, I bring you episodes 02 and 26 of Splash Star. Interesting that it only took 2 episodes for this series to have Saki and Mai on a first name basis, compared to 8 or so eps in the original Pretty Cure. But enough talk, have at you!, you want the new stuff. Most summer training camps in anime take the characters to cool exotic locations like hot springs resorts. Yeah… no such luck for Saki’s softball team. But maybe some ghosts and an Uzainaa can liven things up a bit.

Episode 02 Torrent (CRC=DC881F1F) || Episode 26 Torrent (CRC=BED132F0)

Status updates & stuff…

Also, thanks to Mystery Person X graciously providing me the scripts for all the episodes that he originally released in hardsub .avi, I should be able to get the early episodes knocked out faster. That means I don’t have to OCR 10-17, and I don’t have to spend time fixing missing lines and random errors in the subs I extracted from 03-09. Still, I don’t regret spending the time doing that OCR, because it’s a skill I can put to use for other releases. Besides, I got through rewatches of all of Rune Soldier and most of Outlaw Star on my TV at the same time.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Death Note Anime Review

Death Note (Anime Review) by Christopher Gourgouras

Death Note is an anime based off the Manga by the creator of Bleach. The series is short because of the lack of filler episodes that have plagued Bleach to this day. Instead, it is short and to the point. The series begins when an honors student in modern Japan finds a black notebook outside with instructions on how to use it. He decides it is a joke but is curious so he takes it home anyways to try it out, leading to the death of a criminal who was being broadcasted on live television. Light than decides to play god and make the world into his own personal utopia, killing any criminals who he was able to see and get the name of. The show than begins to get interesting as it progresses and different characters get involved (ranging from police to a Shinigami who loves apples).

Spoiler Alert: Rest of article contains spoilers. spoilers are bad if you want to watch this show. Stop reading now. I mean it. Why are you still reading? I warned you…

I enjoyed this show a lot, it had an interesting storyline with good plot twists. I spent a week watching the show on youtube (all episodes are there in Japanese with subs or English dubbed). The first season is really good but the show does start to get a little boring at some parts.


  • Great storyline
  • Good animation and voice actors (Japanese w/subs)
  • intro music is epic
  • Shinigami’s will always be awesome in any show
  • Plot twists
  • L


  • Boring at some points (not a lot but there are a few episodes)
  • Plot twists
  • L dies
  • After L dies a characters who meant almost nothing the entire show suddenly become powerful and defeat Light

Cavaleiros do Zodíaco: Saga de Zeus

Cavaleiros do Zodíaco: SAGA DO OLIMPO

“É OFICIAL! Esta semana saiu o capítulo 15 do mangá Next dimension e com ele veio a bomba mais aguardada pelos fãs de uma das séries de maior sucesso em todo o mundo, principalmente no Brasil.

O Next Dimension – de roteiro e traço – de Masami Kurumada, que andava meio perdido, quanto a história, ora vagando no passado, retratado em Lost Canvas, ora avançado para instantes depois do momento entre o final da Saga de Hades e o filme O Prólogo do céu, finalmente ganhou uma definição. Para delírio dos fãs – a melhor possível, o surgimento da Saga de Zeus.

Kurumada já havia confidenciado, em uma entrevista ao site Cavzodiaco, que tinha a intenção de criar a saga, que traria o desfecho a Saint Seiya. Depois dessa afirmação, surgiram inúmeros projetos, impulsionados pelo sucesso da animação da Saga de Hades (Concluído apenas no ano passado).

O pai de Saint Seiya, que atualmente trabalha no roteiro das sagas Episódio G (uma aventura focada nos cavaleiros de ouro, tendo Aiolia como protagonista) e em Lost Canvas (a antiga guerra sagrada contra Hades, na qual Shion e Dohko haviam sido os únicos sobreviventes), além de superviosionar a produção do animê de Lost Canvas e do Jogo feito pelos Estúdios TMS Eternaiment (da SEGA), resolveu dar mais um presente aos fãns.

Tudo ainda está apenas começando, mas quem acompanha os defensores de Atena há quase 15 anos, tempo é que menos importa. 2009 promete ser o ano de Cavaleiros do Zodíaco!

Next Dimension vira a Saga do Céu: confira spoilers fantásticos do capítulo 15 + imagem da Artemis com sua armadura + nova classe de personagens: as soldadas lunares chamadas Satélites!

fonte(s): fóruns SSYoursEver e 2ch

O capítulo 15 do mangá Next Dimension, que agora já se consolida como a Saga do Céu (ou a Saga de Zeus, como preferirem, ou seja, a continuação da Saga de Hades), foi publicado na páginas da revista japonesa Shonen Champion desta semana. Este capítulo foi publicado em preto e branco, diferentemente dos outros até o momento, o que indica que os próximos capítulos também serão publicados desta forma, provavelmente para termos uma periodicidade semanal (fazendo-os coloridos, teoricamente ficaria mais difícil termos capítulos toda semana). De qualquer forma, existe um anúncio no final da revista dizendo que o segundo mangá tankohon japonês do Next Dimension será lançado em Outubro de 2009, e todas as páginas serão coloridas (inclusive as que estão sendo publicadas em preto e branco neste momento). Confira alguns spoilers e uma imagem da Artemis com sua armadura:

O Templo da Lua

Shun e Atena estão indo em direção ao templo de Artemis, mas se perdem. De repente, uma coruja surge e se transforma em uma mulher velha. A mulher se apresenta como Hekate, a “Bruxa da Lua” e questiona onde Shun e Saori estão indo. Os dois respondem dizendo que querem ir ao templo da Lua. A bruxa pergunta o que dois humanos querem fazer no templo da Lua. Saori se apresenta como Atena e responde dizendo que quer encontrar a sua irmã. A velha começa a cheirar Saori, reconhecendo-a em seguida. Para deixar Shun e Saori passar, a velha pede algo em troca. A velha retira uma adaga da roupa e diz que quer um pedaço do cabelo de Atena. Ela explica que se ferver o cabelo da Atena com água e tomá-lo em seguida, a pessoa ganhará uma longevidade de 100 anos. Shun não aceita o que a velha quer, mas Saori acaba aceitando por dois motivos: o primeiro porque ela já queria ficar mais leve cortar o seu cabelo curto já desde antes e o segundo porque é a única forma deles sairem daquele labirinto e chegarem ao templo de Artemis. A velha corta o cabelo de Saori e some, juntamente com o labirinto! Shun e Atena partem e finalmente chegam ao templo de Artemis. Lá, eles são atacados por flechas. Shun utiliza a sua Defesa Circular e salva Atena. Em seguida lindas mulheres aparecem segurando arcos de flecha: elas são as Satélites (soldadas lunares).

De repente, uma outra mulher aparece, a líder delas e serviçal de Artemis, e se apresenta como Calisto. Ela reconhece Atena e pede perdão pelo ataque, ordenando as Satélites se abaixarem perante a irmã de Artemis. Saori diz que veio ver Artemis e Calisto responde dizendo que a conduta de Atena nos últimos tempos (vencendo Poseidon e Hades) já chegou aos ouvidos de Artemis, que não está nada satisfeita. Calisto ordena que Atena vai embora e espere Artemis convidá-la quando estiver mais calma. Atena diz que não vai embora e diz que usará os seus poderes se for preciso. Calisto entende e leva Atena até onde Artemis está. A deusa da Lua surge vestindo a sua Armadura. As duas irmãs, Atena e Artemis estão frente a frente!
Comentário Provavelmente até quarta-feira já teremos imagens de todas as páginas deste capítulo. Fiquem ligados!”

OLD, porém GOLD.

Na realidade, minha vontade em ver Cavaleiros do Zodíaco era seu fim. Eu consegui isso com a Saga de Hades, mas uma Saga de Zeus é necessária para fechar com chave de ouro.

Bignadaquasar, onde nada é cósmico e nada é cosmo.

Por Akanadin.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Wochenrückblick 39


Diese Woche war alles andere als angenehm. Ich hatte fast die ganze Woche über eine Stink Wut in mir. Besonders auf der Arbeit! Wenn ich etwas hasse dann sind es faule Mitarbeiter. Und was ich noch viel mehr hasse ist es wenn ich dann ihre Fehler ausbaden muss! Zum Kotzen so was! Ist es denn so schwer an andere zu denken? Und mal ein wenig Rücksicht auf andere zu nehmen? Scheinbar ja. Was man auch ständig zu hören bekommt ist “Boah ich hab kein Bock!” und “Mir doch egal.”. Super Einstellung! Da fragt mich dann auch immer ob die lieben Mitarbeiter nicht vielleicht den falschen Beruf gewählt haben.

Und das Wetter macht mir auch ziemlich zu schaffen. Morgens Kalt und Mittags dann Warm.

Aber genug Rum gemeckert. Kommen wir zu etwas erfreulicheren Nachrichten.


One Piece auf Tele 5

Tele 5 hat endlich bekannt gegeben ab wann die neuen One Piece Folgen laufen. Ab dem 02.11.09 immer Werktags um 16:05 Uhr.


Sword of the Stranger Lizenzwechesel

Beez hat die Lizenz zu Sword of the Stranger wieder frei gegeben. Und Animaze hat die Gelegenheit gleich genutzt und sich die rechte für den Titel gesichert.


Kobato bei EMA

Auch im Sachen Manga gibt es endlich mal wieder erfreuliche Nachrichten. Und zwar hat sich EMA die rechte an Kobato gesichert. Endlich ein neuer Clamp Titel in Deutschland!


Zum Anime gucken bin ich diese Woche noch gar nicht gekommen.

Aber bei Shadow Lady bin ich weiter gekommen. Den zweiten Band habe ich gestern durch gelesen. Und endlich wird es bei Shadow Lady richtig spannend! Vorher war es eher eine Ansammlung von kurz Geschichten aber jetzt entwickelt sich langsam eine spannende Story in der es um Leben oder Tod geht. Irgendwie erinnert mich der Manga immer mehr an DNA ². Bin echt gespannt wie es weiter geht.

Diese Woche habe ich mich aber auch bei Love Film angemeldet. Zum einen habe ich mich dort angemeldet weil ich gesehen habe das sie auch recht viele Anime Titel zum verleih anbieten. Und ich es gar nicht mal schlecht finde in so machen Anime Titel erst mal rein zu sehen. Bevor ich sie mir dann Kaufe und sie mir doch nicht gefallen. Zum anderen habe ich mich dort aber auch wegen den Normalen Filmen angemeldet. Den es gibt so mache Filme die ich mir gerne mal ansehen würde. Aber nicht dazu komme.

Den Anfang macht Watchmen!

Ein wirklich toller Film! Bei den Film stimmt fast alles. Die Story, die Action, die Charaktere und die Brutalität.

Den Film werde ich mir bestimmt auch noch mal auf DVD Kaufen. Und ich bin auch schon am überlegen ob ich den Comic dazu Kaufen soll.

Ansonsten war diese Woche Halo 3 ODST angesagt.

Auch ein sehr gutes Spiel. Was Halo 3 in nichts nachsteht. Ich habe es auch schon durch gespielt und schon fast alle erfolge errungen.

Und hier jetzt noch das Video der Woche.

Mal wieder ein sehr gut gemachtes AMV. Auch eines der besten was ich in letzter Zeit gesehen habe.

Tokyo Magnitude 8.0

Pouco mais de uma semana atrás, dia 17/09, chegou ao fim a última serie que estava passando no noitaminA da Fuji TV, Tokyo Magnitude 8.0. Pelo título já dá pra imaginar o setting do anime: um terremoto de magnitude 8.0 na escala richter abalando o arquipélago.

Como todo anime que se preze, a estória não é infundada. Existe realmente a previsão de que um terremoto de magnitude 7.0 venha a abalar Tokyo nos próximos 30 anos. E a co-produtora Bones fez muito bem o dever de casa, pesquisando a fundo os efeitos imediatos e colaterais causados por um terremoto dessas proporções, resultando num cenário bastante interessante para a estória dos irmãos Onozawa.

Tudo começa no dia do aniversário de Onozawa Masami, que deixa seus dois filhos irem sozinhos a uma exposição de robôs em Odaiba. Logicamente, o desejo de ir a uma exposição dessas só poderia vir de um pequeno “roboto otaku” – como ele se auto-entitula em um dos capítulos – Yuuki, que deve ter não mais que 6 anos. Embora não fique claro quantos anos realmente tem, a maneira alegre e desarmada com que Yuuki reage à indiferença de sua onee-chan Mirai demonstra a pouca idade e inocência do garotinho, que ganha a simpatia do espectador em poucos minutos.

Já com a pré adolescente Mirai já é um pouco diferente, teimosa, egoísta, resmungona e com certeza não gostando nada do passeio e muito menos da companhia do irmão, no primeiro episódio apenas se resume a querer estragar a diversão de Yuuki. Até que ela o deixa ir ao banheiro e vai esperar do lado de fora do shopping, quando acontece o terremoto.

A partir daí a estória se desenrola, com a entrada de Kusakabe Mari em cena, uma motoboy[(a) !!], auxiliando Mirai a procurar por Yuuki e em seguida a voltar para casa. Boa parte dos episódios trata do relacionamento entre Mirai e Yuuki, em contraste com o cenário devastado de Tokyo e dos distritos por onde têm de passar para tentar chegar em casa e, se tiverem sorte, rever os pais. Um pouco do background de Mari também é mostrado assim como seus motivos para chegar em casa o mais rápido possível.

Infelizmente, em alguns momentos é possível perceber que a produtora poderia ter se esforçado um pouco mais nos traços 2D e efeitos 3D, principalmente pelo broadcast ser exatamente após Eden of the East, que teve traços impecáveis.

Apesar destes pequenos detalhes, com personagens, eventos e situações suficientemente exploradas durante seus 11 episódios, Tokyo-M8 é um ótimo anime para a família, capaz de fazer qualquer grandalhão derramar alguns litros de lágrimas em seu desfecho.

Trailers e mais informações estão disponíveis no site oficial, aqui

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Nuevo Anime de .hack

El Tokyo Game Show sigue dando sorpresas y esta vez le toco a el Anime, Bandai Namco han anunciado la proxima salida de la famosa franquicia de .hack la nueva entrega se llamara .hack/Link la cual estara directamente entrelazada con el Anime.

Bandai sera el encargado de producir la animación y todo parece indicar que el formato de esta nueva entrega no sera para televisión tal vez podemos esperar una serie de Ova’s, el Manga de .hack/Link ya se esta publicando en la Kerokero Ace y tambien durante este evento se hablo de la salida del videojuego para PSP que saldra hasta Febrero de 2010.

Letter Bee: Light and Blue Night Fantasy OVA

¡Hola a todos! Rápido paso a dejar la publicación del OVA de Letter Bee o Tegami Bachi el cual fue estrenado en septiembre del 2008 y que traemos ahora como un pre estreno de lo que será Letter Bee el Anime que se estrenará la siguiente semana y que nosotros trabajeremos como fansub. Un poco de la trama, la historia se produce en Amberground, en donde el servicio postal tiene un papel importante debido a la incomunicación que existe en dicho mundo gracias a los Bichos Blindado que amenazan constantemente con su presencia, por ello las Abejas de Cartas se encargan de entregar la correspondencia de la gente poniendo sus almas en ello, siendo uno de estos Lag Seeing acompañado de su fiel Dingo, Niche

OVA 01  “Noche de Fantasía Clara y Azul”

MU  //  SS

Friday, September 25, 2009







Source :

สารภาพว่าอ่านไม่ค่อยรู้เรื่อง แต่จะพยายามแปล และแถให้อ่านรู้เรื่องล่ะกันครับ

ได้รับเมลแสดงความยินดีเกี่ยวกับการเป็นอนิเมของ”Koibito Tsunagi”มาจำนวนมาก Fuguriyaดีใจมากเลยครับ

↑ ปัญหาเรื่องคอนเซปของงานฮานะบิระน่ะครับ

เกี่ยวกับ “ฮานะบิระ” สุดท้ายแล้วพวกเราก็ยังชอบที่จะทำในฟีลแบบนี้มากกว่า
โปรดิวเซอร์ของทางนู้นถามว่า “จะให้ทำคอนเซปในฟีลแบบนี้ต่อไปเหรอ?”
ในเมื่อทำมาแล้ว ก็ต้องทำต่อไปสิ~

ในระหว่างนี้ก็อาจจะมีการเช็คเรื่องลิขสิทธิ์กันเล็กน้อยครับ ถ้าจะให้พูดล่ะก็โมจิยังไงก็ต้องร้านโมจิสิ* (w

ถ้าจะมาถามอะไรยังไงก็ได้ แต่ผมต้องตอบว่า “ผมไม่รู้ (´・ω・`)”

(*สำนวน : ต้องยกให้ผู้เชี่ยวชาญด้านนั้นเป็นคนทำ)

นึกว่าอะไรที่แท้ก็แค่บ่น.. โธ่…
แปลสดครับ… ขอให้เข้าใจกันหน่อยล่ะกัน~ (ว่ามั่วแหลก)

Zabuza's Second Fight

First off…half the 11th episode being a recap? Obnoxious!

The other thing is the way Zabuza and Kakashi laze around like this battle is a mere training excersice, lol. Or rather like they are two owners in a cock-fight. They give out advice to their minions, reminisce, and pretty much hang around and watch the action from the outside.

Alright I’ll cut Kakashi some slack since he was more or less check-mated, having 4 people to watch out for other than himself, but it seems to me like niether Zabuza or Haku are all that serious about killing their opponents.

I can see Haku taking his time since he claims he doesn’t really want Naruto or Sasuke to die, but Zabuza?? I mean he goes on and on about how he’s the “Silent Killer” and then blabs away to Kakashi for like 5 episodes how he has him all figured out, and yadda, yadda. Gimmee a break. So much for being swift or silent.

Haku and Naruto’s exchange was way intense. Haku is such a sad and pitiable figure. Talk about Stockholm syndrome.

Now time for my mini-rant about Sakura; how come she never does anything?? I think she’s a good character, but she never gets to shine in battle! She’s always stuck playing defense! Granted, not everyone can be as talented as Naruto or Sasuke, but I think its more than coincidence that the least fantastic player happens to be female.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fullmoon wo Sagashite Project (maybe)

One of my favorite anime of all time will soon be in the Matroska.

We were talking about anime series that emotionally moved us back in IRC and I was reminded of my emotionally moving anime, Fullmoon wo Sagashite. Suddenly, an idea popped into my head and this idea will make me busy next year. My personal project for 2010 is Fullmoon wo Sagashite in DVD glory! Now, this is a huge project and I don’t even know where to start. I need some extra help and other stuff and I’m not even sure I’m confident enough to take on this project.

Why am I saying this all of a sudden? For the fun of teasing you. =)

Will update post but don’t expect an update really soon.

Otakon 2009

I went to Otakon 2009, my first anime convention ever. Of course, this happened in July, and I had written up an entry for it before, but I wanna share on my blog! So here is my adventure that was Otakon back in July, I hope to go back next year!

I didn’t take Mikuru (my Fraulein) with me because I was scared of breaking her sexy legs XD But packing was horrible. I first packed in a huge bag and dad informed me that my suitcase wouldn’t fit in the tiny car. So I couldn’t even study properly for my exam the next day just thinking about it, so I packed all over again at 1 am XD Good thing I did, because dad was right, even my tiny suitcase was a tiny squeeze in the car because we had four people all together, along with food and their luggage. It was a tight squeeze Xp But about the notebook in the top pic, I got it on a shopping expedition with my L Button the other week, but I never used it. I decided it would be my Otakon notebook! So I wrote down the prices of some of the stuff I was interested in getting in the Dealers room, to make sure I didn’t pay too much or if the price wasn’t too fishy. It actually came quite in handy! My entire Otakon trip is in this notebook, always stopping to write down what I saw and how tired and hungry I was Actually… some of the entries don’t make all too much sense, you could kinda tell when I had had enough XD But I treasure this notebook now; it holds my Otakon schedule, what panels I went to, who I saw, and it ’s like… the only real thing that captured me 24/7! But now that Otakon is over, I have no idea what I’m gonna use this for XD It’s also filled with doodles from when I had to wait in line for panels.

Breakfast of champions, that’s what this is XDD This was my breakfast before the exam the next morning, the day we headed out. I did well on the exam, though I misread some questions that cost me stupid points -_-; I was just so excited, I don’t know how I didn’t fail that thing XD Oh, and yey for the inside of Sonic, my car! <3 Redbull and Rice Krispy in the morning, yeah, I’m awesome. Vixena right before the trip!!! Haha, looking at this now, I see how my messed up sleeping pattern is taking a toll on my face D8 THIS WEEKEND DIDN’T HELP AT ALL. I didn’t feel the trip there at all. Autumn (This is her nickname that she uses online, I don’t know if she’ll want me using her real name on here, so this is my friend that invited me.) and I picked up K and her bf J, which I was a bit nervous about at first because it’s like, oh, a couple, they’ll be kissing and being all lovey dovey. They were lovey dovey, but I LOVED it. They are the cutest couple I’ve ever met, and two of the nicest people I’ve ever met. I stuck with them almost the entire time. The times I wasn’t with them I was in my ~exploring~ mode and wandered completely on my own. By the time we reached this stage, we had sung, eaten chips, talked about previous cons, and Autumn and K seem to have the same tastes in anime, so Justin and I were like “We don’t really know these ” To my horror I found that most of the anime’s I’ve seen have super cute girls in them and very sad story lines. How time changes us <3 This was our hotel! It was actually gorgeous, and they served us breakfast in the morning so we didn’t have to worry about starving all day long. Sad thing is that their free breakfast was our only nutrition while we were there. I survived on 3 Cups of Ramen and M&m cookies that I brought. Oh, and Rice Cakes, which did nothing except make me hungrier. Our hotel had these streets cross XD K, J and I cracked up because J had dressed up as Light from Deathnote, and we were obsessing over Deathnote the entire time.So to have our hotel on LIGHT street, well, we got a little silly XD Autumn and I had preregistered, but K and J had not, so we got in line while they went back to the hotel. Autumn made it very clear that she wasn’t enjoying the line in the least bit, but I loved it. It was my first con line!!! I know, I’m a dork :p But i really did, people behind us were talking about anime, some were playing their DS’s and their PSPs, some were already in costume, and everyone had a shirt with some sort of internet reference… I was in Heaven <3 I especially liked seeing the merchandise that people had, it made me want so many things. This was when I started feeling bad for my money, because I knew I was just going to blow it ALL. We stood in line for a bit over an hour, which was nothing to me, but Autumn was very upset. She complained the entire time, but I diddn’t mind it too much, I just blocked it out and enjoyed myself standing in line in the humid air. When I saw this, it was like, Yeah. I’m here. I’m at OTAKON <3 And the Pre Registration line was nothing compared to the line the next morning, which was over three hours long at most points! Once we got our ticket, I felt exhausted. Autumn let her friends (the other 5 people that were staying with us in the hotel room, there were 9 of us all together.) cut, so they sat around afterwards and looked at the program booklet and planned out their days. I ditched and went to look for K and J. Our roommates weren’t too social towards us, so we kinda stuck with each other. Autumn knew them from before, so we let her stay with them too. Once in the room with the other two, we looked through the booklet together and I wrote down my plan in the little blue notebook! The panels looked great, but I had to miss some to catch others. Like the Yaoi panel, I missed it for the Yuri one. Worst decision ever. The Yuri panel sucked. And we all had to choose where to sleep. K and J got a bed, the others got some spots on the floor and the other bed, and I was like… “I’m not sleeping by the door, screw that.” So I looked in the closet and saw that it was quite roomy. So I grabbed that. One of the best decisions I made all trip Sleeping on the floor still sucked though. When the others made too much noise, I just closed the door and rolled over in the darkness haha! Then came the day of the CONVENTION!!! When I first got in the building, I waslike, frozen XD So many wonderful cosplays, thousands of people in the same area with the same interests as me, and everyone was so friendly with each other!!! Maybe I missed the point of the convention, but what I got most out of it was the wonderful atmosphere. Everyone was so accepting of one another, everyone was willing to talk, everyone was nice, you weren’t afraid to ask a random stranger where a certain room was, or to strike up a conversation in line while waiting for a panel (I made three new friends <333) I wish the world was more like this, where people accepted one another and respected one another enough to be able to feel comfortable talking to a random stranger about anything. Everytime I remember Otakon, I’ll remember that wonderful comfort I felt there. The cosplays are at the end of the entry because there were just so many, I can’t organize them enough to put commentaries on them! Ah… the dealers room <3 Another moment where I just froze at the entry. It was as big as three of our gyms put together, and it was filled with anime stuff <3 HOBBY LINK JAPAN <3 My first real order online was done at their shop, for my Yun Kouga art book, so I wandered over there first. Got my wonderful Haruhi for ten dollars less than asking price! They also gave me a coupon for the online shop because I told them I had ordered form them before! There was a Yaoi booth right next to them where they were selling Doujinshi. Haha, what an amazing experience that was. I ended up there by mistake actually, when someone pushed me. Then I looked at all the boxes and people around me grabbing at things, and I was like, what is this? And the vendor was like “Which series do you like?” and I had no idea why he would want to know that, so I just said YUGIOH <3 And he handed me this enormous box of Yaoi doujinshi. I wish someone had captured my face in that moment because I couldn’t even feel my face anymore. I put it on the floor and went through every single one, some I had seen online, some I hadn’t, and ended up spending 50 dollars on them!!! I got one for free because the lady seemed to notice how happy I was at buying them hahaha! Besides Miss Kaoru-Chan’s doujinshi, I’ve never even seen one before, so yeah. I was supser excited. And splurged XDD (OMG I HAVE YUGIOH DOUJINSHI <33333) YOAI FANGIRLS ARE F****** ANIMALS. They also had a lot of artbooks and plushies, but nothing really caught my interest. I spotted some vendors selling fake nendos, and I even saw a fake figma! When I went back with K, I told her to ask me before she bought anything so I could verify it, and she was so happy that I could identify them, and she made me blush. She was like “It’s amazing that you’re so passionate about it!” Yeah, I am really passionate about figures, but I don’t collect them. But after talking about it with K, I’ve decided to actually start. Or at least try XD This booth had the PIXIV art book! I didn’t even realize it at first, I just picked it up without looking at the price and bought it, and before i knew it, I was walking out with it XD I later found out that I had bought it for 10 dollars less than the asking price, which made me even happier. I wish I had gotten a picture of the Artist Alley, but they didn’t allow photos ;-; But I saw a bunch of artists from DA, and I was squeeing like a little girl X3 I met Celesse, and let me tell you, my chest was like *explode* I bought my Cupcake kitty hat from her as well as a CCS print which is on my wall right now! Her little cherry fell off her head, but I thought it was for the best, it will make cleaning it a lot easier <3 I’m thinking, if I’m satisfied enough with my art next year, I might possibly set up my own booth… don’t hold me to that though. If they set me up next to amazing artists, I’ll probably be a miserable wreck all weekend XD K, J and I wearing my Cupcake Kitty Hat! This was immediately after the con ended, we were so exhausted that we fell asleep on the harbor XD We actually got kicked out of the dealers room XD Autumn met up with us later and we went to the Barnes and Noble right on the harbor because we’re such dorks XD We were like “WE WORK HERE!” Then we shipped off home. We got home pretty late, 11:40 pm, and I had class the next morning. My first ever Otakon loot X3 My badge had Kagami cosplaying as Miku. I saw very few girls wearing this one, they were mostly worn by guys! I was like “yeah, I’m cool.” This girl, Ruby, who actually has my name, you’ll see her soon, drew me that yugioh sketch while we were in line for the Yuri Panel! I was like “I LOVE YOU <333″ And that egyptian picture, I’m in love with, I found at the Artist Alley. The guy looks exactly like Satomi, except Satomi is actually skinnier, and I can’t stop staring at his sexy body before i go to bed. Then there’s my yugioh doujinshi, as well as my Yugioh manga, and some Genshiken I can’t seem to find anywhere else. My prints, my Haruhi Fraulein (LOVE.), my Clamp art books, all amazing buys for great prices! I didn’t break my wallet, I came back with quite a bit of money, thank goodness. I’m not completely broke XD And then the Lucky Star shirt that I won for free!

Now for the sexy cosplays that I saw:


I took this one for my Bonn <3 I was like YOU’RE HINATA! And she looked very scared. And then I talked to her a bit and she was like “So you’re a fan of Hinata?” and I was like “…uh…” It was very uncomfortable D:

From the Sailor Moon panel MintBunny and I attended (We attended both actually DX)

I wish I hugged her. Princess Sally Acorn ;-; Later I found out that I took it with her eyes closed and I was like NUUUUUU ;0;

K, J, and I had watched the abridged series the night before and K spotted the Yugios and she was like *grab* LOOK!!! And we all spazzed together XD The only Yami and Bakura I found at the con T_T Ruby told me she saw an Atem walking around, but I never saw him!!!

Took this one for my brother N, he loved it XD Poor people though, in those thick suits…

I built this thing for N on Thanksgiving!!! And I saw a girl walking around dressed up as it!! I have no idea where it’s from, I just remember it was a bitch to put together.

Beautiful Fakir T_T And having them paired together like that… hanyan ~<3

I honestly think I yelped when I saw them XD I want a Seto to walk around with me whever I go!! Bloody hot piece of man.

Not as many Konata’s as i thought there would’ve been. But these three were so cute <3

YEY Tohru and Momiji <333 I think I’m leaning towards their relationship now… poor Kyo. I will never support your relationship XD

One for J, since he loves and adores KAHBY.

THE KING. He was amazing, when I asked for his picture, he said, “My Boy, I wonder what’s for DINNER.” It was wonderful ;-; Yes, Javier and I love love love Youtube poop, and we are not ashamed.

Now, I’m not in to the whole Axis Powers Hetalia (I almost was.) but there were a lot of people dressed up as them! And they were carrying their flags, and they looked amazing walking around in groups! K was intrigued at the concept of it all haha

The preregistered people had to line up to get in regardless if they had badges or not.

The guy with the controller was like, controlling people cosplaying video game characters, and it was pretty awesome to watch!

Miss Tohru Honda <33 I love her smile here XD

Thanks to Ayu and Bonn, I know who the Vocaloids are XD There were a lot of twins, and I loved seeing the little kids dressed up as characters. I imagine their parents force them to wake up to anime every day XD

HMM I WONDER WHO THIS IS. Thank you for letting us cut your wonderful self at the Sailor Moon Hentai panel, that was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen XDDD PAPILLON ROSE!!!! I’m on a mission to find that! look at that guy next to us. He’s so happy.

I found Ruby at the How to Draw Yuri panel, and it was a very… unique meeting XD I was like “HI IM (Vixums).” and she was like ‘…whut?” And I sat down next to her and talked about her costume and how I like Yugioh too, and all things egyptian while she just stared at me. Then I asked her her name, and she was like “…My pen name is Ruby, but… my name is (Vixums) too!!” And we were astounded that we found another (Vixums) that liked Yugioh! Perhaps it runs with the names XD And we were both aching to draw some Yuri haha! Too bad that panel was just a bunch of girls drawing and ignoring their audience the entire time. So Ruby and I turned to each other and said, “lets draw some hot porn.” And that’s what we did. I used Bonn and Vixena as models XDDD They’re going straight to her in her package because… yeah, it’s flithy.

JESUS CHRIST what a long entry. I had an amazing time, met some great new people, one being Simon, which I didn’t get a picture of, sadly, but he guided me through the beginning of it all and explained some stuff about the con.I met a lot of wonderful people, and I got to experience that warm and fuzzy feeling that is Otakon. Ok, wow, I’m leaving now XD This took so much longer than should’ve been necessary.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Anime Nedir?

Anime kısaca bahsetmek gerekirse Japon çizgi filmlerine verilen addır. Aslında Fransızca olan animation sözcüğünden türemiştir. Fakat Japonların genelde birçok şeyi kısaltarak söyleme alışkanlıklarından dolayı bu sözcüğü anime olarak kısaltmış ve bu şekilde hitap etmişlerdir.

Animation (animasyon) ise terim anlamı olarak canlandırma demektir. Tüm dünyada var olan ve yayınlanan çizgi film (tom ve jerry, vb.), animasyonlar, (ice age, shrek, vb.) ve animeler aslında hepsi birer animasyondur. Sadece yapım şekli ve yapanlar nedeni ile bu şekilde bir ayrımcılığa gidilmiştir. Japonlar bu türlerin hepsine sadece anime derken bizler sadece Japon çizgi filmlerine anime deriz. Ayrıca animeler normalde insanların anladığı şekilde çizgi filmler değillerdir. Çizgi film denilince insanların ilk aklına gelen şey Bugs Bunny, Tweety, Tom ve Jerry gibi çocuk zekâsındaki animasyonlardır. Hâlbuki animeler her yaştan insan için yapılır ve gerçek hayatta olan veya olmayan hemen her şey onun konusu olabilir. Çizimleri çok farklı ve etkileyicidir. Hatta Japonya da Prime Time denilen izlenme aralığına konan milyonlarca kişinin izlediği animeler de bulunmaktadır. Çoğu animenin içerisinde cinsellik öğeleride vardır ve bunu Walt Disney ekolü animasyonlarda göremezsiniz. Küçük izleyicilerin anlamayacağı sadece yetişkinlerin sezebileceği yapımlardır.

Bazı animelerde karakterlerin büyük gözleri, uzun bacakları vardır. Bunu Japonların kısa boylu ve çekik gözlü olmalarının yarattığı bir komplekse bağlayarak açıklayanlar vardır ancak bu açıklama çizimlerin kökeninde batlı örnekler olduğunun bilinmemesinden kaynaklanır. İlk Walt Disney çizgi filmlerindeki karakterlerin büyük gözleri ve uzun bacakları vardı (Bambi vb.). Bu çizim tarzı bugün bazı batı animasyonlarında hala kullanılmaktadır. Örnek olarak Show TV ve TRT’de yayınlanmış olan Genç Pocahontas’ı ve İngiltere’de yapılmış olan Genç Robin Hood’u gosterebiliriz. Bu çizgi filmlerde de karakterlerin büyük gözleri, uzun bacakları vardır ama bunlar anime değildir.

Ayrıca animelerdeki fark sadece büyük gözler uzun bacaklar değildir. Çoğunluğunda bizim normal hayata verdiğimiz tepkiler mimikler ve jestler daha fazla abartılı bir görsellikle ifade edilir. Örneğin; ağlayan bir anime çizgi kahramanın gözü yaşlarından sel olması, sinirlenip öfkelendiği zaman başından dumanlar çıkması vb. durumlardır.

Animelerin komedi, aşk, macera gibi türlerin yanı sıra terimlerle hitap edilen türleri de vardır, bunlar:

Shônen: Erkekler için yapılmıştır, genelde iyiyle kötü arasındaki kanlı savaşı anlatır, ama son yıllarda aşk ve macera üzerine eğilmeler olmuştur. “Shonen” ve “Shounen” olarak da karşımıza çıkıyor. Çoğu ülkede Shounen türü TV’lerde çocukların psikolojisini bozduğu ve şiddete özendirdiği için yasaklanmıştır. (Örn: DragonBall, Naruto)

Shôjo: Kızlar için, genelde konu aşka dayanır ve gözler normalden de büyük olur, genelde sevimli karakterler kullanılır. Ergenlik çağındaki kızları hedef alır. “Shoujo” da denir. (Örn: Sailor Moon)

Mecha: Dev robotlar savaş, ölen pilotlar vs vs… En çok tutulan türlerden biridir. Robot tasarımları büyük önem taşır eğer robotunuz seyirciler tarafından beğenilmezse eseriniz berbat demektir. (Örn:Escaflowne)

Echi: Genelde Shônen türünü ile birlikte bulunur. Garip espriler, aşırı olmamak kaydıyla sapıklık vardır. (Örn; Chobits, Tenjo Tenge, Ikkitousen)

Hentai: Bu tür genelde erkekler içindir ama kızlardan da izleyen yok değildir. “Adult Anime” olarak da adlandırılır. Cinsellik ağırlıklıdır, genelde “18 yaş ve üstü” uyarısı olur. (Örn: Bible Black)

Her anime tek bir türden oluşmamakla beraber yukarıdaki türlerin birçoğunu birden içinde bulunduran türlerde vardır. (Örn: Fullmetal Alchemist)

İzlemek isteyenler yada animeye yeni başlayanlar için ilk önerilecek anime Fullmetal Alchemist’tir. Animenin tam olarak ne olduğunu daha iyi kavramak için bundan daha iyi bir örnek yoktur. Daha sonra ise sırası ile Naruto, One Piece, Death Note ile devam etmeleri tavsiye edilir.



Burak Aydın (2003) “Nedir bu Anime? Peki Ya Manga?”, MANGANİME DERGİSİ, S:1

Elif VAROL (2003) UZAKDOĞU KÜLTÜRÜNDE ‘JAPONYA ÖRNEĞİNDE’ ÇİZGİ ROMAN SANATININ GELİŞİMİ, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi

Vistazo de Halo Legends

Halo Legends es una serie de siete filmes cortos en un estilo animado. Actualmente esta en producción por Microsoft y 343 Industries. Esta bajo cinco productoras, Bones, Casio Entertainment, Production I.G., Studio4 C y Toei Animation.

Este es una nueva estrategía de mercadotecnia que busca explotar la franquicia Halo más allá del videojuego, pues de manera similar al universo Star Wars se busca narrar los orígenes de distintas historias paralelas que aportan datos interesantes para los amantes de la saga, muy al estilo Animatrix.

A continuación el vistazo de The babysitter donde se narra la rivalidad entre los ODST y los Spartan II.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Korean Best Moe Round of 16- Yuki vs. Haruhi

And the winner is:

Yuki (Haruhi) 1698, Haruhi (Haruhi) 1058


Utter defeat for Haruhi as she doesn’t even come close to defeating Yuki this time. That’s a good 640-point gap compared to 12 last time they met here. Yuki exacts her revenge here and continues on to the quarterfinals.

Next matchup:

Taiga (Toradora) vs. Ami (Toradora)

My vote: Taiga    My prediction: Taiga


I think this matchup may be bigger than yesterday’s. We have Taiga and Ami from the same show up against each other. Could Ami pull a victory against Taiga here. I think Taiga will end up winning, but there could be surprises here. Note that these two were up against each other in Japan and Taiga won.

Source: Korean Best Moe website

Hayte no Gotoku!! 24: Facial Expressions Are Awesome

This is going to be pretty lazy in terms of actual content, but look at all of these awesome facial expressions from episode 24!

No that's not all. Here are some more!

I know, you probably thought I was actually going to analyze this episode, right? Well fuck that, I have an ISSS so I can do whatever I want without any reprecussions, and you have to like it.

You mean waste a post on nothing but screen shots? Me!

So anyway, those are all awesome, but I actually do have one thing to say regarding the content of this episode:

Hayate has an older brother? Did I miss something, or is this news new? Oh wowy! One more episode to go.

Monday, September 21, 2009

What We've Watched: InuYasha

Synopsis: Kagome Higurashi, an average ninth grader, gets pulled into an ancient well by a demon, bringing her 500 years in the past to the feudal era. There, she meets Inuyasha, a half-demon who seeks the Shikon Jewel to make himself a full-fledged demon. With Inuyasha and new friends, Kagome’s search for the Jewel of Four Souls begins…

Copyright Owner: VIZ

Rating: Teen

What the teens thought: This was another series that a lot of the club members were already familiar with.  Many of them had seen it on Adult Swim or had been reading the manga in the library.  Some of the club members requested that we show an episode with Sesshomaru (he’s such a bishi).  Enough action to satisfy the guys.  Enough romance and hotties to keep the girls happy.  Too familiar to keep everyone interested through the entire show.

What I thought: I’ve also seen most of this series so I spent part of it cleaning up the mess everyone made at the snack table.  It’s a decent series.  Rumiko Takahashi is pretty well known and she’s good at mixing action and romance to keep everyone happy.  Still, it’s too familiar.

+ Good mix of action and romance

+ Good animation

+ Connection to historical period might make for interesting cultural lessons

- Too familiar

The Rebound of Haruhi Suzumiya

So we all know that the Endless Eight arc sucked. If you liked it, well then good for you you’re special, but for most of us anime watchers, it sucked. You know what? I’m going to make a graph….no wait…..two graphs, you’ll see why as the post moves on:

That's right, it's a purple graph, that's because purple is the best color ever.

As you can see, this graph does not cover the second arc of the series. That’s because I don’t want you to know how I feel about it yet. Did I like it? Did I hate it? You’ll have to read before you find out. Let me describe this graph first.

The first episode was, in my opinion, one of the best episodes in the history of the Haruhi anime series franchise. It had everything I could ask for:

  • Time travel (something that actually follows the laws of time travel, if it were possible)
  • Relation to previous promos (you know, those security video things? That really made this an awesome episode for me).
  • Two different Mikurus (to be honest, the normal Mikuru is one of the most annoying characters ever in history, but the older one is actually cool)
  • Awesome shit.

I kind of just threw that last one in there, but I’m sure there was more awesome shit I forgot, so there you go. Next came the Endless Eight:

The Endless Eight arc started off with what seemed to me like a filler episode. I watched. I thought, “What the fuck is this. This is stupid.” Then came the second episode, and it was almost the same one. I thought, “Hmmm.” Then came the third episode (or was it the second), and the whole idea of time recursion came up, and I thought, “Fuuckkkkkk yeaaaaa.” Then they never fucking ended it, and the whole arc became very easy to write about, thanks to the wonders of copy and paste. Then that ended, which yielded to happiness of me, Glo the president of the world. Then came the next arc, The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya. This of course, means, I have to update the graph (which already may contain one mistake):

You know what? Fuck you if you don't like purple. You probably like some gay color like yellow. I used to like yellow once, then I realized it was fucking lame. Yellow sucks.

So from the graph, you can tell that with the *Sigh* arc, came a steady yet gradual rise in my liking of this season of Haruhi. Of course, after the shitty Endless Eight arc, it couldn’t really get worse. Unless I’m a retard, this arc is about the movie that was shown in episode 1 (or 11) of the first season of Haruhi, but it contained a lot more coolness, and a LOT more awesomeness, and as it progressed, I slowly saw the Haruhi of old. Then, in episode 24, the cat talked, and that made the show fucking awesome (as you could tell from the graph). Actually, can we get a shot of that cat? What’s his name, Shamisen?

The cat then goes on to challenge the entire concept of human language with the group, and sounds like a philosopher, which just makes it that much better. However, no matter what arguments Kyon seemed to make, the cat persisted with it’s own ideas, because, as you know, cats don’t care about anything you have to say. I especially liked the end where Kyon told Haruhi about how Yuki, Miuru, and Koizumi were each an alien, time traveler, and esper respectively, and she didn’t believe him at all. Awesome ending. I now want more. Oh! The season is apparently over! Looks like no more Haruhi for another 2 years or something like that! Blllleeeeeeecchhhhhh. Either way, I felt like the show rebounded greatly after what I thought was a pretty poorly converted arc (the Endless Eight arc should have been four or five episodes in length, then it would have been perfect). That’s all eye really have to say. Thank you for your patronage!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Kamen Rider Kuuga

Following the conclusion of Kamen Rider Black RX in 1989, there was an 11 year absence of new Kamen Rider series on Japanese television. A few one-off movies and specials came out, but for the most part the franchise was dormant through the 90’s. Toward the end of the decade, series creator and renowned mangaka Ishinomori Shotaro began to move on a revival of Kamen Rider. Despite Ishinomori not living to bring the project to fruition himself, the first new Kamen Rider series in over a decade hit Japanese airwaves on January 21, 2000.

The debut of Kamen Rider Kuuga would kick off a new era of Kamen Rider series. These would be known as the Heisei Kamen Riders, due to the changeover in the traditional Japanese calendar with the ascension of Emperor Akihito in January 1989. Though technically most of Black RX aired in the Heisei era, Kuuga was the first TV series to debut under the new era.

Kamen Rider Kuuga is the story of a jack-of-all-trades named Godai Yuusuke. Among his many hobbies, Yuusuke likes to travel to remote parts of the world. Frequently, he brings some kind of odd souvenir of his travels back to his friend, archaeologist Sawatari Sakurako. As the series starts, a group of archaeologists uncovers ruins of the ancient Rinto tribe, including the mummified remains of an ancient Rinto warrior and a sealed chamber. When they open the chamber, something escapes, killing the entire excavation team. Yuusuke arrives to check out the dig, finding the police there. Though he finds himself drawn to enter the ruins, he’s repelled by detective Ichijou Kaoru. Later, Yuusuke and Sakurako are called in by Ichijou to consult on the case, and are shown blurry video of the attack. The mysterious creature attacked the mummified corpse before going after the team. They are given the strange belt worn by the mummy, and asked to decipher the writing on it.

As Yuusuke and Sakurako go to leave the police headquarters, another unidentified creature bursts in, apparently after the belt. It quickly proves immune to the police officers’ gunfire and seems unstoppable. Acting on instinct, Yuusuke puts the belt on himself, only to have it disappear into his body. As the Yuusuke and the monster fight and move out onto a side street, Yuusuke’s body changes into a white armored creature, and he is designated by the police as Unidentified Lifeform #2. In this form, Yuusuke barely drives off the monster, saving Ichijou in the process.

Yuusuke consults Sakurako to better understand his new powers. He believes that he should have a different, red colored form as he sees in visions. When attacks begin from another creature, dubbed #3, Yuusuke and Ichijou confront it in a cathedral where it had been masquerading as the priest. Yuusuke declares his resolve to fight to Ichijou and achieves his true form, the red colored Kuuga Mighty Form. Though Mighty Form is misidentified as another creature, #4, by the police, he is able to drive off #3 and defeat #1.

Soon, others are brought into sharing Yuusuke’s secret. Tsubaki Shuichi is a doctor friend of Ichijou’s that looks after Yuusuke and studies the effects of Kuuga’s powers on his body. Ichijou also introduces Enokido Hikari, a scientist at the police’s research division who helps develop new weapons to combat the Grongi. One of the interesting things about Kuuga as a superhero show is that the regular humans aren’t useless. Kuuga works in conjunction with the police (though only a few know his identity), and the police actually become more and more capable as the series moves on. Initially, they just find ways to stun the Grongi, allowing Kuuga to finish them off. By the end of the series, they have a weapon that poses a real threat to the Grongi without Kuuga’s help.

The Grongi themselves are somewhat interesting, and really set a standard for monsters throughout the Heisei Rider shows. The Grongi’s main goal is the eradication of the descendants of the Rinto tribe, humanity. This is carried out through a ritual human hunting game called the Gegeru. There are several classes of Grongi, each with different Gegeru rules by which they must abide. The lowest level Grongi can’t even speak, but higher level ones are able to speak, use weapons similar to Kuuga, and even assume human disguises. This concept of intelligent monsters that disguise themselves as humans would reappear in several Heisei shows, as would the tendency for a monster to last through multiple episodes. They also tend to rack up a pretty substantial civilian body count before Kuuga can put a stop to them. The Grongi are led by the powerful Daguba, the creature that originally escaped from the crypt and is designated #0 by the police.

Following in the footsteps laid down by Black RX, Kuuga gained a number of power-up forms defined by a signature weapon. Each weapon is summoned by finding an object with a similar shape, and transmuting it. The blue Dragon Form sacrifices strength and armor for enhanced speed, agility and jumping power. Dragon Form’s signature weapon is the staff weapon Dragon Rod. Clad in green, Pegasus Form enhances all of Kuuga’s senses to extreme levels and features the Pegasus Bowgun for highly accurate ranged attacks. Pegasus Form strains Yuusuke’s nervous system however, and can’t be held for more than 50 seconds. Finally, the purple and silver Titan Form sacrifices mobility for thick armor. Titan is able to steadily walk through enemy attacks to strike at close range with the Titan Sword. Later, Yuusuke is able to access a “golden power” to upgrade his various forms to their Rising variant (Rising Mighty, Rising Dragon, etc), but only for 30 seconds. Finally, he becomes able to access Amazing Mighty Form and what may be Kuuga’s true form, Ultimate Form. This tradition of power up forms would persist through the Heisei era, as each main title Rider since has had at least one power up form.

Since Kuuga was somewhat experimental, one may find that the special effects and overall production values of the show may pale even to Agito which came immediately following. Despite this, the various costumes including Kuuga’s forms and the various Grongi all look pretty good. The special effects for the attacks may not be as flashy as some of the other Heisei Riders, but this is more in keeping with the way the older shows were. Once you’re sucked into the mysteries of Kuuga’s world though, none of this will matter much.

It’s often said that Kuuga is more like the Showa Riders than the Heisei ones. This mostly refers to the fact that Yuusuke is a pretty typical hero role model. He doesn’t have any inner demons to tackle, nor does he have any issues with his own confidence. He’s a classic hero archetype through and through. Kind, brave and strong. The overall story structure for Kuuga with its intricate plotting, mysteries to be revealed, and complex villains is pure Heisei. Kuuga is definitely the prototype for what came after.

Anyone who has been interested in the more recent Kamen Rider shows should really seek Kuuga out and try to see it. It really is a good series that doesn’t get a lot of attention due to being a bit older now. It may not be super flashy, but it’s a good, solid series full of great characters.


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Primer Preview de Halo Legends...

El día de ayer, durante un programa especial  en Spike TV sobre el nuevo juego próximo a salir de la franquicia de Halo (Halo 3: ODST ) presentaron un preview de uno de los cortos animados de Halo legends, el título del corto es “The Babysitter” (la niñera) y está  a cargo de Studio 4′C

Vía Japanator.

La animación luce impecable y definitivamente el masterchief demuestra que no solo necesita de sus armas para pelear contra el covenant xD.


Friday, September 18, 2009

Lovely Complex

Já devia ter feito isto há mais tempo, sendo mais uma daquelas séries que fiquei a adorar sem estar à espera.

LoveCom é a história de um rapaz e de uma rapariga. Todos os resumos começam assim, e não há melhor maneira de começar, porque é mesmo assim. Com a diferença que ela tem 11cms a mais de altura que ele. A diferença de altura fá-los estar constantemente a implicar um com o outro, embora sejam amigos e tenham quase tudo em comum. A rapariga, Risa, é a primeira a aperceber-se disso e a ver para além do duo cómico que formam. Com toda a coragem do mundo reúnida consegue dizer ao Otani – o rapaz – o que sente. E agora está tudo nas mãos dele…

É basicamente uma comédia romântica passada no liceu, mas consegue não ser lamecha… mas mesmo assim envolver a pessoa que está a ver. Quando damos por nós estamos mesmo a torcer por eles. A princípio estava um bocado amuada por estar a ver uma coisa do género depois de Ouran High School Host Club, mas depois comecei a gostar da história e, mal dei por ela, fiquei viciada. A Risa, mesmo sendo despassarada e um bocadinho chorona, é uma personagem com a qual todas as raparigas que já passaram pelas pancadas platónicas da adolescência se conseguem identificar. E o Otani é a encarnação em anime do rapaz-tipo por quem geralmente se desenvolviam a pancada platónica. E dá muito gosto ver as cenas deles, a maneira como implicam um com o outro cada vez com mais afecto. Dá vontade que nunca acabe. Queremos mais Risa e Otani!

Uma pequena actualização, visto que este post foi copiado do meu outro blog: há um capítulo~do Love*Com Plus que ainda não foi traduzido, segundo o Mangafox. Estão lá duas partes do Plus, a do passado de cada um e um bocadinho do presente, mas falta outra que, segundo vi nos ‘raws’, é capaz de ser fofinha. Há também rumores duma sequela, também da autoria da Aya Nakahara (claro), cujo personagem principal irá ser o irmão da Koizumi. Que seja. Ao menos sabemos que de vez em quando aparece o nosso par favorito no background.

Outra coisa: se ficaram desapontados com o final, leiam o final da manga. É muito mais fofinho e comovente. Um dia ainda hei-de ler a manga inteira.


Pandora Hearts Episode 24 Subbed

Well here you go.

Subs: Mediafire

Avi: Pending

Mkv: Pending

Now that that’s over with, I think I will forget that this episode ever happened.

Meanwhile, we’ve got the IRC channel working again and we’re all having a party. Come join us! #IronWolf on Rizon. We don’t have a bot set up, but if anyone has one they want to put stuff up on, we’ll seed to you first.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Figuras de acción y demás juguetes...

Una de mis debilidades son los juguetes y figuras de acción coleccionables. Como suelo navegar por varios sitios en busca de algunas exóticas y de buena calidad, he visto en cantidades industriales, se podrán imaginar. Por ello he decidido empezar con esta nueva sección en el blog, dedicada a mostrarles diferentes colecciones.

Para abrir el fuego (?), les traigo hoy una de las colecciones de mayor calidad que se pueden encontrar. El nivel de detalle de cada una de las figuras es muy bueno, pero su punto fuerte está en la vestimenta de los personajes y las articulaciones de los mismos.

Se trata de la Real Action Heroes, de Medicom Toys, la cual, creo, ya es bastante conocida a esta altura. Estas figuras, en el caso de los personajes altos, claro está, casi alcanzan los treinta centímetros de altura y poseen más de veinte puntos de articulación.


Un de las figuras de Gokú mejor realizadas, sin dudas.

Como se ve, la ropa es de tela. Casi cualquier pose puede ser lograda.

Gokú Super Saiyajin

Se puede observar el nivel de detalle en cada mechón del pelo.


Esta figura de Piccoro viene con capa. El turbante no es removible. Podemos lanzar un Ki Blast… … y también un Makankosappo.


¡Hasta Yamcha tiene su propia versión de lujo, qué generosos! (?)


Este Gohan incluye una cabeza de Piccoro sin turbante.

Chibi Gokú

Esta última de Gokú no pertenece a la misma colección que las anteriores, pero sí a la misma marca, Medicom, y no podía dejarla afuera de este post, como verán.

Eso fue todo por ahora. En las próximas ediciones de esta sección, iremos viendo las mejores colecciones de Jakks Pacifics, IF Labs, Irwintoy, Bandai, entre otras…


Tokyo Vice

Ainda nem sequer postei uma apresentação digna de registo, que explicite, aclare ou fundamente a pertinência deste EternalSenseofWonder. Unicamente coloquei um Op de um anime bem conhecido entre os amantes do Shoujo Clássico. E agora fica aqui o Op e o Ed, respectivamente, de um anime também clássico. Talvez não seja imperativo escrever uma apresentação, como prefácio de um livro ou de uma história de embalar. Os fotogramas do primeiro post falam por si.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Anime Attic: <em>Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle</em>

So earlier this year, when my friends and I were slowly but surely making our way through the season-long fight scene between Goku and Frieza in the third season of Dragon Ball Z (which is another post altogether), we saw a preview for a series called Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle. Actually, there were several previews, on several different discs, so after about the third time, we turned to each other and said, “Hey, that looks pretty interesting. Let’s put it in the queue!”

(Random word ninja side note: I see so many people getting “cue” and “queue” confused. “Queue” is a waiting list or line. Your Netflix list? A queue. The line at the movie concessions? A queue. If you say something like “queue the music,” you are wrong. The word there is “cue.” Yes, I know “queue” is more fun to spell, but it’s only a verb when you’re talking about getting in line.)

Anyway. We put the whole Tsubasa series on the list, and just finished the last disc last night.

A slight tangent, for a moment:

I don’t know how many of you have watched Full Metal Alchemist, but it’s a series that is much shorter than the manga from which it is derived, and it’s excellent right up until the last three or four episodes. In the last three or four episodes, things go from good to “WTF?” in less time than it takes to say “Edward Elric.” You can practically see where the writers realized that they had about 20 plotlines they needed to wrap up and only two hours of story time in which to do it.

I bring up this because, in Tsubasa, you can see the exact episode where the writers were told that they’d run out of funding and wouldn’t be getting a third season. And you can also see the exact moment where they said, “Ah, fuck it. We won’t even bother to wrap this stuff up. Where’s a big bad guy we can bring in for a decent fight in the last two episodes?”

The series starts out promising. Syaoran is a young archaeologist and the childhood best friend of Sakura, the princess of Clow Country. Sakura is on the verge of telling Syaoran that she loves him when a mysterious noise draws her to the ruins that Syaoran has been investigating. There, Sakura sprouts giant white wings, and starts to disappear into the wall, but Syaoran saves her. The wings shatter into hundreds of feathers and vanish. Turns out the feathers are all Sakura’s memories, and now Syaoran must travel between worlds in order to find them all and save Sakura’s life.

So, they’re sent to Yuko, the Dimensional Witch, where they meet two other travelers: Fai, a wizard who never wants to return to the world he just left; and Kurogane, a fighter who will do just about anything to get back to the world he was just thrown away from. Yuko will give them all the ability to travel between worlds to search for Sakura’s feathers, but they must pay with the thing most dear to them.

Kurogane must give up Ginryu, his family’s katana. Fai gives up a tattoo on his back, which, according to Wikipedia, suppresses his magical power. (Not that I’d know if I hadn’t checked Wikipedia because they DON’T TELL YOU A DAMN THING ABOUT IT IN THE SHOW.) Syaoran’s price is his relationship with Sakura: even if they recover all of her feathers, she will never remember who he was to her before she lost her memories.

They’re joined by Mokona Modoki, a little white thing that is oh-so-cute, who can open portals to travel between worlds. So, now they’re ready to commence with the world-jumping and searching for Sakura’s feather.

However, there are two people watching them: Chick with 50 Lbs. of Black Curly Hair and Monocle Dude. They wear black and apparently have red light bulbs in every light in their lair. Who are these mysterious people? What do they have in store for our intrepid heroes?

Well, I still have no freaking idea, because they don’t tell you until the last episode that the man’s name is Fei Wong Reed. And they never tell you who the chick is (and if they do, it’s dropped in one episode and then NEVER MENTIONED AGAIN).

There are several good story arcs in the first season-and-a-half of Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle, enough to keep you watching and to make you care about the main characters. Unfortunately, the last 6 episodes drop the ball, and you’re left with dozens of questions even as the heroes bound off for yet another world and yet another feather.

  • Who is Fei Wong?
  • What does he want with the foursome, specifically Sakura?
  • Who is his curly-haired friend?
  • What the hell is Fai’s backstory?
  • What about Seishiro, another person hunting the feathers?
  • What on earth is the Syaoran with the eyepatch that Fei Wong and Curly Girl have in the tube?

These are just some of the questions; I can think of others, but I won’t list them here. I realize all of these are probably answered to great detail and satisfaction in the manga, but I didn’t read the manga. I watched the anime. And one medium of storytelling should not be dependent upon another for you to understand what on God’s green earth is going on. (Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo manage to tell their stories in fewer episodes and they actually tie up all their plot threads. And Full Metal Alchemist, while going completely freaking crazy in the last three episodes, at least made an EFFORT to tie up the plot threads that were left hanging. This is not an impossible request, people.)

It’s a shame, because for about the first 10 discs, the series is really good. It’s just the ending where it so completely falls apart, and the frustration of it is enough to negate a lot of the enjoyment I got out of the first part of the series.


Imágenes de Mario

Más geniales imágenes de su plomero favorito aquí

y aprovechando el post… mañana 16 de septiembre hay maratón de Saint Seya desde las 9:30 con a Caballeros del Zodiaco y la Reencarnación de Ellis, a las 11:00 Caballeros del Zodiaco Contra Lucifer y a las 11:45 la saga de los campos eliseos, todo hora del centro.

olvidaba.. por canal 7 tv abierta, México.



Tuesday, September 15, 2009


¿Qué es el J-Fest?

 El J-Fest o Japan Festival es un evento sin fines de lucro a ser presentado a manera de Convención / Festival en donde se desarrollarán actividades relacionadas a la Cultura Popular Japonesa. ¿A qué nos referimos con Cultura Popular? Pues a las actividades recreativas y artísticas de la vida cotidiana de la juventud del Japón y que se han hecho populares entre los jóvenes de nuestro país. Entre dichas actividades tenemos:

En las artes visuales: El animé, el manga.

En la música: El J-pop, J-Rock, Karaoke.

En el deporte: El Kendo, el Karate, el Ju-Jitsu, entre otros.

Otras actividades: Video Juegos, Juegos de tipo cartas (Yu-Gi-Oh, Magic), Cosplay, Fanfiction, Fan-Art entre otras.

El evento estará organizado por un grupo de estudiantes y profesionales de diferentes universidades los cuales comparten un gran aprecio por la cultura popular japonesa y que ofrecerán su tiempo y esfuerzo de manera incondicional para el éxito de la actividad.


Se realizarán una serie de conferencias dedicadas a la discusión sobre Japón: Su historia, geografía, cultura, gastronomía, deportes y sobre cada una de las actividades de la Cultura Popular Japonesa con la que la juventud dominicana se siente relacionada.

Finalmente se presentarán conciertos con grupos locales que interpretarán canciones populares entre la juventud japonesa y que nos han llegado a nosotros a través de los medios de comunicación como son la televisión y el Internet.

  21 y 22 de Noviembre 2009, Polideportivo Tony Barreiro, UASD

Este año, el J-Fest se realizará en el Poli-Deportivo Tony Barreiro de la Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD). Allí contamos con un espacio mucho mayor del que tuvimos en el 2007, además de que las actividades principales serán realizadas bajo techo, por lo que la lluvia no será problema de nuevo .

La fecha será para el fin de semana del sábado 21 y domingo 22 de noviembre. Tomamos esta fecha para darle suficiente tiempo de preparación a todos los que deseen participar en las actividades que se realizarán.

Para este evento, hemos solicitado la ayuda de muchos de los grupos organizados de nuestro país, por lo que las actividades estarán a cargo de los mismos de acuerdo a su especialidad.

Detallaremos a continuación nuestras actividades, pero tomen en cuenta que las reglas pueden ser modificadas de acuerdo a como los organizadores de los eventos decidan.

Sábado 21 de noviembre 10:00 a.m. : Torneo de Kendo

En el J-Fest 2007 el equipo de Kendo de la UASD (LUKEN UASD) realizó una demostración del Kendo como deporte tradicional japonés. Este año queremos presentar un torneo real, por lo que estaremos invitando a los diferentes Dojos de kendo dominicanos para que participen de este evento.

Este años también esperamos contar con el apoyo de la Liga Universitaria de Kendo de la UASD.

Duración del evento: 3 horas.


2:00 p.m. : Conferencia

La conferencia para el J-Fest 2009 estará a cargo del grupo J-Rev, quienes estarán hablando sobre Manga Contemporáneo y Cómic. También se referirán al mercado dominicano del manga y los avances que hemos tenido en los últimos años.

Duración del evento: 1 hora


3:00 p.m. : Concurso de Karaoke

En este concurso estará a cargo del Proyecto Max.

Se probarán las habilidades de canto de los participantes. Se puede hacer la presentación como solista o como grupo. Deben tener en cuenta que los que participen como integrantes de un grupo, no pueden participar también como solistas.

Se estará evaluando el parecido a la canción original (fonética), el seguimiento de las líricas y la actuación o baile.

Como la actividad estará limitada a 2 horas, solo podrán estar en el evento 20 participantes. De inscribirse más de 20 para el evento, se hará un show preliminar donde se escogerán los 20 finalistas que participaran en el J-Fest.

Las canciones que se usarán en el concurso son las mismas que usamos en el J-Fest Karaoke 2009 que realizamos en la Tienda de Anime de Min, y pueden verlas en esta dirección:

Si más canciones se añaden, les serán avisadas en el foro.

Duración de la actividad: 2 horas.

Fecha límite para inscripción: 15 de octubre del 2009

Premios: Mp4 Players de 8 GB.


6:00 p.m. : Concurso de Trivia de Anime

Como su nombre lo indica, en este concurso se evaluará el conocimiento general sobre series de anime de los participantes a través de preguntas y respuestas.

Los participantes deben formar grupos de 3 personas los cuales se enfrentarán en un match de quien conteste primero 3 de 5 preguntas.

Esta vez las preguntas estarán en sobres sellados dentro de una caja, y cada grupo deberá extraer un sobre cuando le toque su turno. Si en el lapso de 1 minuto el grupo no puede dar con la respuesta, esta pasará automáticamente al grupo contrario que tendrá la oportunidad de contestarla.

Los interesados pueden inscribirse en el foro o enviando un correo electrónico a nuestra direcció

Las series de animé en las que se basarán las preguntas serán:

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles

Code Geass

D.gray Man

Death Note

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

Record of Lodoss War (Lodoss-tou Senki) la OVA 13 capitulos.

Yu Yu Hakusho

Shaman King

Saint Seiya: Hades


One Piece

Naruto : Shippuden


The Prince of Tennis

Noein – Mou Hitori no Kimi He

La duración de esta actividad será de 2 horas.

Fecha límite para inscripción: 1ro de noviembre del 2009

Premios: A ser anunciado.


Domingo 22 de noviembre 10:00 a.m. : Torneo de Video Fighting


El torneo de Fighting Video Games estará a cargo de Honmaru. Todo lo referente al torneo será anunciado dentro de poco.

Duración de la actividad: 3 horas.


2:00 p.m. : Concurso de Cosplay

Esta actividad estará a cargo de los chicos de Rurubell. El cosplay es uno de los eventos más populares de los otakus dominicanos, y este año esperamos contar con muchos participantes, igual que en el J-Fest 2007. Las reglas generales del concurso serán las siguientes:

- Los Participantes deben confirmar su inscripción enviando una foto suya al e-mail del J-fest ( con su cosplay, y una foto del personaje al cual esta representando.

- Preparar una presentación con un máximo de 5 minutos caracterizando al personaje que están representando.

- Especificar si concursaran solo o en pareja. Nota: No se aceptara que los otros participantes se involucren en la presentación al menos que haya sido especificado cuando envíen su confirmación.

Se evaluara:

- Parecido con el personaje.

- Actuación/Representación del personaje.

- Detalle del cosplay. Se dará preferencia a trajes confeccionados por los participantes a aquellos que estén en venta durante la actividad.

- Mano de obra. (Parecido del traje).

- Aceptación (Popularidad del publico).

Duración de la actividad: 3 horas.

Fecha límite para inscripción: 1ro de noviembre del 2009

Premio: A ser anunciado.


7:00 p.m. : Concierto

Para cerrar el evento y luego del anuncio y entrega de premios de los ganadores de los diferentes concursos, estaremos disfrutando de un concierto especial con un amplio repertorio de canciones de series a animé y de video juegos.

Más adelante estaremos dando los detalles sobre este concierto.


Otras actividades y concursos Exposiciones

A todo lo largo del festival estarán abiertas al público varias exposiciones de las cuales podrán disfrutar.

Nuestro tradicional museo cultural, en el que se encontrarán artículos relacionados a la cultura japonesa y presentaciones permanentes de audiovisuales.

Se mantendrán en exposición tanto los dibujos que hayan sido sometidos al concurso de fan-art como otras obras que sean sometidas a nuestra consideración a través de nuestro correo electrónico (

Se hará una presentación permanente de audiovisuales con videos de J-Pop y J-Rock.


Concurso de manga One-Shot

Este concurso es nuevo para el festival. Estará organizado por los muchachos de Alpha Eve Desgins. Este consiste en la creación de un manga de un solo capítulo (one shot). Las reglas generales son:

- Crear una historia original estilo manga.

- El idioma debe ser español.

- Debe tener un mínimo de 25 páginas.

- No se aceptaran trabajos con contenido pornográfico.

Se evaluara:

- Originalidad del trabajo.

- Limpieza.

- Detalles.

- Lenguaje.

- Concordancia de la historia.

Fecha límite para someter trabajos: 1ro de noviembre del 2009.

Premios: Publicación del manga en la revista J-Fest Gazzette  + Genius MousePen 8 x 6-Inch Graphic Tablet. Otros premios serán anunciados más adelante.


Concurso de Fan-Art

Los encargados de este concurso son los chicos de Moro Studio.

Los interesados en participar deben someter una ilustración en el estilo japonés a nuestro correo electrónico ( hasta la fecha límite que será el 1ro de noviembre del 2009.

Se escogerán 10 finalistas que deberá asistir al evento el sábado 22 a partir de las 10:00 de la mañana, donde tendrán hasta las 5:00 de la tarde para confeccionar una ilustración al estilo japonés, la cual será evaluada para escoger al ganador (o ganadores) de este evento.

Se evaluara:

- Originalidad del trabajo.

- Limpieza.

- Detalles.

Premios: Publicación de la ilustración en la revista J-Fest Gazzette  + Genius MousePen 8 x 6-Inch Graphic Tablet. Otros premios será anunciados más adelante.


Concurso de Fan-Fic

Este es el concurso para los que les gusta escribir.

Los interesados en participar deben enviar sus trabajos a nuestro correo electrónico ( antes de la fecha límite.

Las reglas generales de este concurso son:

- Crear una historia original o basada en algún manga o anime.

- El idioma debe ser español.

- No se aceptaran trabajos con contenido pornográfico.

Se evaluara:

- Originalidad del trabajo.

- Lenguaje y redacción.

- Concordancia de la historia.

Fecha límite para entrega de trabajos: 1ro de noviembre del 2009.

Premios: Publicación del fanfic ganador en la revista J-Fest Gazzette. Otros premios que serán anunciados más adelante.



Sorteo especial

Al igual que el J-Fest 2007, se estará haciendo un sorteo especial entre los asistentes a la actividad que se registren en el área de información. Los participantes deberán dar su nombre y cédula, y recibirán un boleto que deberán llenar y depositar en una urna. Sólo se permitirá un boleto por participante.

Aquel que resulte electo, deberá contestar 3 de 5 preguntas referentes al desarrollo de las actividades del J-Fest 2009, así que los que deseen participar deben de asistir a todos los eventos que se realicen en el festival, para así tener más oportunidades de ganar. De no poder contestar al menos 3 de las 5 preguntas, se escogerá otro boleto.

Los premios de este sorteo serán anunciados más adelante.



Puestos de venta y comida

Durante el evento, estarán a la venta una gran variedad de comidas tradicionales de la cultura popular japonesa, como son: Ramen, Sushi, Yaki-Tori, entre otras.

También se podrán comprar en la actividad todos los artículos relacionadas al manga y el animé, ya que estará disponible la Tienda de Anime de Min, con un gran inventario para complacer todos los gustos de sus clientes y a precios especiales.

Y por supuesto, también se podrán comprar todos los capítulos de los mangas dominicanos que hayan salido hasta el momento, como son: Baká el Mito Asesino, Almateria, Crutz Cross, La Era de Arena, Hiquerón, entre otros.


J-Fest Gazzette

Despues de realizado el festival, se publicará una revista especial llamada J-Fest Gazzette, en la que haremos un resúmen de lo que pasó en la actividad, los trabajos ganadores en los concursos de Manga, Fan-Art y Fan-Fic, y un pequeño album fotográfico del evento.


Gracias a J-Fest


Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood 22: Scar is The MAN

Holy Mother of God. Scar kicked some A$$ in this God Damn Episode:

I loved these black and white scenes.

I love how Scar kicks ass.

Okay, before I continue with the telling of Scar’s thrashing, smashing, and serious crashing, let me first chime in on these “flashback” scenes.

First of all, these scenes were new (or at least I think they’re new) to me. I don’t remember reading them in the manga, and its very possible that the anime has finally caught up to where I was in the manga, therefore, I really enjoyed this episode, and these scenes especially. Another thing I liked was the fact that everything was in black and white, but the eyes of the soldiers (and all of the Amestrians) were given color. Now I want to make an actual good observation about this fact, but I have no idea how to word it (I think it was something about race and stuff…sort of) but instead I’ll just say that this effect looked fucking cool. Back to more Gar-Scar:

As far as the rest of the episode, action packed, emotion packed…..basically, it’s the same as all of the rest of the episodes, and has everything. Also, this flashback taught me that Scar has the right to kill pretty much who ever the fuck he wants:

As far as the titles for the first two pictures are concerned, you won’t get them unless you watch Head I.C.E. do some damage in this shit….start watching at 5:00 minutes in. ICE is after the guy with the hat. His mind can’t recall disrespect blatantly.


Monday, September 14, 2009

One Piece 557 Spoiler

 Bueno despues de mas de una semana tenemos spoiler de nuevo, llego luffy y comenzo la accion sin mas les dejo los scripts.

Estado: Confirmado

Imagenes: 0

Comenzamos el capítulo con Luffy, Crocodile, Jimbei, Buggy, Mr. 3, Mr. 1, Inazuma (Enfermo), Iva-san, y todos los demás prisioneros y Okamas aterrizando.  

Se explica que chocaron contra uno de los Tsunami de Shirohige (Él provocó dos Tsunamis, uno de ellos chocó contra el barco y los mandó a volar pero en ese momento el tsunami se congela dejando el barco casi colgando.  

Durante su estancia en ese fragmento congelado de Tsunami, escuchan la conversación sobre el plan secreto de la marina y se ponen a discutir y de tanta discusión se rompe el fragmento de Tsunami congelado donde estaban, haciéndolos caer.  

Todos ellos caen en el agua, y son rescatados por Jimbei  

Luffy: ¡Ace!!! ¡He venido a salvarte!

Ace: ¡Luffy!

Crocodile atacó a Shirohige pero como estaba mojado no se podía transformar en arena, así que usa su garfio.

Luffy detiene a Crocodile gracias a que se encuentra mojado aún  

Crocodile se enoja y le reclama a Luffy el porqué han roto su acuerdo, a lo que Luffy le contesta que Shirohige es una persona importante para Ace y que no debe hacerle nada.  

Todos los personajes de importancia hacen comentarios sobre la llegada de Luffy. Hancock está feliz, y Moria tiene una reacción que podría ser enfado, nervios, ya saben, la paliza que le dió.

Shirohige le dice a Luffy que ese sombrero que lleva lo reconoce como el de Shanks y aparece un flashback cuando el brazo de Shanks fue devorado por el monstruo marino, en el capítulo 1 (Leviatán)

Luffy: Sé que quieres ser el Rey de los Piratas, pero yo seré el que lo consiga!

Shirohige: Un mocoso engreído…¡No te metas en mi camino, idiota!!!

Luffy: ¡¡Salvaré a Ace por mis propios medios!!!

Iva y Buggy se impresionan de ver a Luffy discutiendo con Shirohige como si fuesen de igual a igual

Akainu: Vaya.. el nieto del gran héroe Garp y el hijo de Dragon… Debo matarlos aquí mismo..

Traduccion: Protegon


Simple Anime Terms

It might be confused for you who just step into the anime world (like me in the past), about the target audience term of anime or simple term about other part of the anime. What are shoujo, shounen, ecchi, etc stands for? What does the meaning of it? Here are my simple explanations:

  1. Kodomo: It means the anime is targeted for children. Example for this category: Chii’s Sweet Home, Doraemon, Daisuki Hello Kitty.
  2. Shoujo: It means the anime is targeted for girls audience, usually in teenager age. Popular story plots usually involving romance and its affairs, girls’ stuffs, etc. Example for this category: Itazura na Kiss, Skip Beat, Saiunkoku Monogatari.
  3. Shounen: It means the anime is targeted for boys audience, usually in teenager age too. Popular story plots usually involving sports, games, etc. Example for this category: Cross Game, Bleach, Naruto.
  4. Josei: It means the anime is targeted for women audience. See… woman, not girl, so the story much more complicated and deeper. Popular story plots usually involving adults romance and its affairs, women’s life problems, etc. Example for this category: Nodame Cantabile, Honey and Clover.
  5. Seinen: It means the anime is targeted for men audience. Same with Josei, this one is an adult version of Shounen. Popular story plots usually involving games, adults romances and its affairs, murder case, etc. Example for this category: Shion no Oh, Black Jack (OVA), Kara no Kyoukai.
  6. Mina: It means the anime is targeted for everyone/family. Example for this category: Chii’s Sweet Home, Tokyo Magnitude 8.0.
  7. Loli: It means the anime containing girls or women in girl-form. So, the drawing would look like a little girl but actually their ages much more than that. Sometimes the anime in this category also has sexual appearance of a girl (see, girl, not woman, much like a pedophile) but not too explicit. Lolicon refers to the character. Example for this category: Lucky Star.
  8. Shota: It means the anime containing boys or men in boy-form. A reverse version of Loli. Shotacon refers to the character. Example for this category: Kanokon.
  9. Harem: It means the anime containing boy/man-center romance. So, yeah… there will be many girls/women love to one boy/man. Example for this category: Hayate no Gotoku.
  10. Reverse-Harem: As indicated in its name. Example for this category: La Corda d’Oro.
  11. Bishoujo: It means the anime containing beautiful girl/woman. Example for this category: Sailor Moon, La Corda d’Oro.
  12. Bishounen: It means the anime containing handsome boy/man. Example for this category: La Corda d’Oro, Hanasakeru Seishounen.
  13. Mecha: It means the anime containing robot technologies. Example for this category: Gundam, Ride Back.
  14. Boing: It means the anime containing large breast. The woman in this anime usually being drawed with large breast and her breast can be bounced (like a woman running – you know what I mean). Example for this category: Basquash, Queen’s Blade.
  15. Pantsu: It means the anime containing woman’s panties. Example for this category: Queen’s Blade, KissXsis.
  16. Mahou Shoujo: It means the anime containing girl/woman who has magical power. Example for this category: Sailor Moon, Wedding Peach.
  17. Shoujo Ai: It means the anime containing lesbian story but not too explicit. Example for this category: Candy Boy, Aoi Hana.
  18. Shounen Ai: It means the anime containing gay story but not too explicit. Example for this category: Antique Bakery, Hetalia Axis Power.
  19. Ecchi: It means the anime containing more explicit sexual characters/stories. Usually the characters in this anime wears sexy clothes. Example for this category: Asu no Yoichi, KissXsis.
  20. Yuri: It means the anime containing lesbian erotic activities. Example for this category: Maria-sama ga Miteru, Aoi Hana.
  21. Yaoi: It means the anime containing gay erotic activities. Example for this category: Junjou Romantica.
  22. Bara: It means the anime containing explicit gay sexual activities. Example for this category: Ai no Kusabi.
  23. Hentai: It means the anime containing explicit sexual activities. Example for this category: Campus.

Hope my explanations can help and guide you to choose the anime you like


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Korean Best Moe Round of 32- Groups 7 and 8

Here are the results of the last match:

Group 7: Yuki (Haruhi) 1884, Mio (K-ON!) 1366

Group 8: Ai (Conan) 2284, Ritsu (K-ON!) 1388


Disappointed and surprised. Mio wasn’t even close to beating Yuki. Behind by almost 500. What’s worse is that Ritsu loses to Ai by almost 1000. Someone get her out of this tournament already.

Now Mio is out in both tournaments after losing in the first round of Japan’s Saimoe. At least this time, she went down against a formidable opponent rather than a Minami-ke character. I guess Yuki is way out of her league.

With this match, Azusa is the only remaining K-ON! character in this tournament. I’m not counting on her to win seeing how Mio lost. Well see how far she goes. Maybe I could go for Taiga now.

Next matches:

Group 9: Kyou (Clannad), Sanae (Clannad)

My vote: Kyou    My prediction: Kyou


Group 10: Horo (SaW), Mei (Clannad)

My vote: Mei   My prediction: Horo


Kyou should win easily here, no doubt. However, Mei will prabably fall here since she’s up against last years champion.

Source: Korean Best Moe website


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Desktop Goodies: Saya Otonashi Rainmeter

Another request from Andre for Saya Otonashi from Blood+ Rainmeter skin. I guess I’m on a rampage here in making the Rainmeter skin as requests seems to be flooded. Nonetheless, I’ll keep trying to fulfill them. So for you haven’t got their requests done, be patient okay?

Skin Name: Saya Otonashi Rainmeter

File Size: 143 KB

Color Theme: Red


Note: A Rainmeter application can be downloaded in my previous post. Don’t forget to extract and move the folder to your Rainmeter skin directory. Happy downloading!


Aoi Bungaku, Literatura japonesa al anime

Takeshi Obata (Death note, Bakuman) está trabajando en el diseño de personajes para traer a la vida esta gran obra literaria Ningen Shikkaku (No longer human) y no solo esa también Kokoro (Heart), que formaran parte de la serie Aoi Bungaku (Literatura Azul) para la cual se adaptaran 4 obras más de la literatura japonesa, como ya les había comentado Ningen Shikkaku, Kokoro, Jigoku Hen que estará a cargo del maestro cubo (Kubo Tite) y por ultimo pero no menos importante Hashire Melos! (Run Melos!) Que estará en las manitas de Takeshi konomi (Prince of Tennis).

Me llama mucho la atención Ningen Shikkaku por la trama ya si quieren saber de qué trata pues pónganse a buscarla medio depresiva pero interesante, de la serie casi no se sabe NADA  más que los diseñadores de personajes (esos grandes maestres de arriba)  está a cargo de  DUNNO, contara de 13 episodios y se estrenara el 10 de Octubre, como la ven chavos ~.


Friday, September 11, 2009

Nabari No Ou

SPOILER ALERT for those who haven’t watched this anime yet.

I just finished watching Nabari No Ou. Different from the ones I usually watched, have a somewhat dark undertone to it. It’s about ninjas and their secret arts, and how ordinary people are unaware of their existence. The story revolves around Miharu Rokujo, a very apathetic kid, who suddenly finds himself in the middle of an on-going conflict between warring ninja clans. Miharu discovered that he possessed inside him Shinra Banshou, the most powerful secret art that contains the knowledge of the world. The story also focuses on his relationship with Yoite, who uses the technique Kira that costs him the loss of his life force, which causes him to gradually lose his five senses and his eventual death.

I started watching this anime, first because I have nothing new to watch, second because I was interested in watching Miharu and Yoite’s developing bond with each other. Friendship between two people who normally doesn’t feel any connection at all to other people. I like their story, both of them so apathetic to the things around them, yet they were moved to forsake their loyalty to their clans to help each other. Their story is nice, however, too short for my liking.

Now for my gripes. I didn’t like much the fact that two of my favorite characters in this anime died at the end, so I was a little sad at the end because of that. I was expecting Yoite to die, so I was kind of prepared for that, although I have still hope that some unexpected twist will happen that will let him live. I mean, come on! His friend possess such amazing powers, right? Anyway, I wasn’t expecting another favorite, Raikou Shimizu, to die as well. So, it was a bad surprise for me, I didn’t see that one coming…

I have a complaint about the sensei as well. I understand Raimei’s feelings of anger towards Tobari-sensei after Raikou died. It is such bad timing for Tobari to leave when things are getting out of control. I guess I was expecting too much from him, him being the adult in the group and all. Although I can understand his confusion about Miharu’s action, and the fact that he must hide the last secret art, still… such a kid… I mean, how can I respect a colleague who runs at the first sign of trouble? Hmph!

And, I was expecting a little more – oomph! – to the Shinra Banshou. My reaction was kind of like… is that all? I guess I was expecting something a bit more… powerful? I mean, that’s all they talk about, the whole darn series. I was hoping that they would give us fireworks, but it went…splat…

Anyway, it’s a good thing I had a warning about Yoite dying, otherwise, I would have been crying the whole night after watching the last episode… especially the last part… I was happy to see Yoite learning to live such a quiet life, free from conflicts. At most, I felt a – twinge? – of whatever – when I saw him smile before he vanished. Aww, so sad, really…

Well, I don’t know if I’m going to read the manga. Maybe Yoite or Raikou are alive there. Well, maybe…


Naruto Shippuden 126 sub Español English Raw HD

En este episodio la informacion es lo que mas sobresaldra y lo que mas llama la atencion, tambien jiraya esta pensando en ir a conseguir informacion, pero tengo unn chingo de ganas de spoilera pero no lo hare ;(. No se olviden de visitar las Imagenes de Naruto Shippuden HQ Acabo de subri fotos e imagenes de las peleas con hidan y kakuzu. Ademas los Episodios de Naruto Shippuden sub Español HD. Algo que voy a poner son videos para el psp en HD de cada capitulo, ademas de wallpapers del mismo anime.

[CHINO]RMVB h264  105MB]

English [Horrible Subs]720p 420p

Italiano[196 MB]

Espanol[NeNaf 185 MB]


Thursday, September 10, 2009


I’ve had it brought to my attention today that the anti-spam Captcha! on our website forms was being particularly evil lately. For some reason, it won’t accept the corrected letters with out a lot of persistence. I’ve also had been using the same form for the “Contact Us” which seems to be driving people nuts since they can’t get past it to email me telling me that can’t get past it…

Since i have no idea WHY the Captcha decided to be evil and why some people can get past it and others can’t, I’ve gone ahead and added a link to my direct email for those who are having problems with it.

If you can send me you Pre-Registration information and Dealer Registration information via the online forms, Please Do! This lets you pay right after you send the information. However, if you can’t seem to get past the nasty little bugger, email me the same info that is present on the forms and I’ll link you to the payment page you would get if you would have sent in the form online.

Meanwhile, I’m going to contact the form tech-support of the site who hosts it and see what’s up. Thanks for your understanding and for those who told me about this problem!


Asia Keeps Manufacturing Robot "Statues," Am I The ONLY One Seriously Alarmed?

Seriously, Asia, you are so close to violating all sorts of treaties and stuff…and if you’re not, then you bloody well should be. It was unsettling enough when Japan built life size replicas of the RX-78 Gundam and Gigantor. Well, in retaliation of Japan’s robot "statues," South Korea has constructed a 364 foot monstrosity to challenge all robotic opposition in the form of Taeqwan V (a.k.a. Voltar the Invincible.) And they aren’t stopping with Voltar. This "statue" (death machine) was built for an "amusement park" (factory) called Robot Land.

That’s right. They are gearing up for mass production and disguising it as an amusement park!!! To give you an idea on how massive this fucker is going to be, 364 feet is twice the size of Lady Liberty herself, and 6 times the size of the Gundam statue from Japan. Damn straight, "Invincible." We might as well cut to the chase, get down on our knees now, and beg for the Giant Robot Bukakke. C’mon, South Korea. Really…You guys are supposed to be the friendlier face of the Korean front.

On another note, I now have a reason to go to South Korea. Because as scary as Asians possessing a fleet of giant robots is, the 12 year old in me wants to *squeeee* in absolute joy at the prospect.

Below are the concept photos of Voltar and the park. This place is supposed to open sometime around 2014, and by open I mean launch an all out attack.

D.S. Out.

Source: [Technabob, Korean IT Times]
