Friday, October 9, 2009

Darker than BLACK Season 2

It started! Finnaly my most anticippated anime show for this season started! Darker than BLACK – Gemini of the Meteor.

Sadly, it’s only 12 episodes and to top it off, it has nothing to do with the Shikkoku no Hana (I should have figured it out earlier).

This episode was really good anyonway! BONES animation here is so cool and improved, but it does not fail the same design as the first season.

There are some new characters, including a new member of the MI6: August, also known as “Magician”. July, April also appear in this first episode, and April fights a Contractor which as the ability to move at ultra speed by eating hamburguers as his remuneration.

And the “main” characters of this season are part of the Pavlichenko family, which includes Shion, Suou and their father who works for a research group studying the time and space distortion effects occurring on the planet. Dr. Pavlichenko is also the creator of the memory eraser.

Hei makes his appearance right at the end of the episode, strangling April and shows off his new hairstyle and damn, the first thing I thought was “Tom Cruise on The Last Samurai”


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