Friday, October 30, 2009

my life... CONTACT and Shoppin in Brum,UK.

i finally got tha call i was waitin for from Rob Smith, the court appointed child psycologist. he said tha he’d managed to get in touch with “the Wicked Liar” and had told her that he wanted 4hrs contact, for me with Amy and Sam on saturday 10th November 2009, to start with. i broke down. 

i told him not to count his chickens, but he said that if she didn’t comply, he would take the matter to court.

me and me mom went shoppin in Birmingham City Centre yesterday. i brought two bags for Sam and Amy to put their gifts in on Saturday. i also brought myself a 2 dvd’s: The Thing which cost 3quid and Animatrix which was 5quid.

i also brought two music cd’s : elefant man- 5quid and methodman- 6quid:

when i got back home i painted my figures for a few hours and then watched me dvd’s.

heres a couple of plcs showin how far i got with me last few:

i also recieved the new forge world catalogue thru the post:

so tommorrow we set of EARLY on the journey to see Sam and Amy.

wish me luck!



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