Friday, October 30, 2009

Taokaka: getting started nyeow~~!

“Tao is Taokaka”….which is why I’m wearing her to every convention this year~~! <3

So today, I found out that I still have nearly $30 on my debit card~! :’3 So I’m going to be buying the materials for Tao {and possibly Amu} cosplay tomorrow~~!!! I already planned out, I’ll need 5-6 yards of some tan or white…I’ll need 6 buttons, a zipper, velcro, and more thread~ Also, I’ll be pricing out sewing machines, because I want to make things easier~ xD

In other news, I started on a paw for Tao~ :3 It’s a little crappy because the material I used (crushed panne~?) was really hard to cut precisely and sew to gold felt~ And yush, I’m just going to use the gold felt for now, because I dont think I’ll have enough for something better tomorrow~ ; D;

I also think I might buy a yard or two of plaid felt for Amu’s skirt and legwarmers~ Then I’ll go back later for materials for her pouch~ > w<

So tomorrow after Anime Club~!!:

  • Go to Joann’s and buy cosplay materials~
  • Make the paws for Tao~
  • Make cat ears (not the hoodie ones)~
  • Make Amu’s X  hair tie~
  • *Make Amu’s skirt and legwarmers~

And yeah~~! That should take care of my money for tomorrow~!! x-x I get a $20 allowance next week and report card money~! So I’ll be able to buy the Tao wig and whatever other materials I may need afterwards~ Also after Tao and Amu (which is pretty simple)~, I need to make a Cheshire costume~ My sis and I are cosplaying Oz and Cheshire from Pandora Hearts for MegaCon~~! > w< So my schedule’s pretty set there…Day 1- Taokaka; Day 2- Cheshire AND Taokaka; Day 3- Amu~ I’m pretty sure we wont be spending much time at the con on Day 3, since my parents have to check out of the hotel early and will have NOTHiNG to do there, just like MegaCon~ >;

But yeah~~!! I’m soooo hyped~ :’]

Oh yeah, if I get Amu done tomorrow or early Saturday, I’ma wear her for Halloween~~!! :’B

Winter Projects~~!

  • Taokaka – ??% (wig, paws, dress, hood, zipper piece, legwarmers, tail, *cat ears*, mask)~
  • Amu – 45% (wig, shirt, jacket, armband, hair decoration, shoes, skirt, legwarmers, *pouch*~)
  • Cheshire – 0% D:
  • Plenair – 0% >:

Before-Summer Projects

  • Mina Tsukuda – 0%
  • Kaede Nagase- 0%
  • Presea (Klonoa)- 0%
  • Mitsuki Koyama – 0%


  • Arietta – 0%
  • Kokonoe – 0%
  • Aurica – 0%
  • Squallo – 0%
  • Lenalee – 0%


cha-ciao~~!!! <3


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